The trick-or-treaters started here about 5 PM though, the numbers have tapered off a bit now that it has gotten dark outside. I still have a few treats to give out. What I don't get rid of tonight will go to Sunday School with me tomorrow... so there will be nothing left here!

Hubby just went out the door, dressed as Moses... he went over to our church next door to help out a little at the Pumpkin Party there. I am not sure just how long he will keep the mask on... I took a picture, I'll post it below.

The shop hop trip with Judy was a great success... we had a blast as usual, got to catch up a lot with each others lives as we drove to & from Mifflinburg. It is always fun to go to Verna's. She is such a hoot to visit with... and always helpful. I got the fabric I needed for the curtains, bought some hand towels to applique a chicken or rooster on to for my kitchen. I bought 2 more, figuring I could applique something on them for the upcoming church bazaar. I also bought fabric to finish a PIG I had received through Stashbusters... I know we are to use our stash... but the blocks I received were made from Christmas fabrics... and I knew I didn't have much of that! It doesn't matter... it's going to be donated to the local cancer center, and whoever gets it will enjoy it, I'm sure! I also bought a pre-quilted 'cheater' quilt top and binding fabric. This quilt will be donated to a 7 month old baby we know that has a disease that is a mile long and hard to pronounce, let alone remember. She has undergone several surgeries, having her legs amputated from the knees down along with both of her hands. Hopefully, they will not have to amputate her extremities any higher than they already have. But, please... keep this baby, her Mom, and her extended family, in your prayers. They have been through quite an ordeal, and have a long road yet to travel.

I have begun washing up the fabric I bought today, in preparation in making the curtains for Jennifer. Dennis will be busy this week, so I'll have lots of time to sew, with no interruptions from him. I think I'll screen the phone calls, letting the answering machine earn it's keep! I also have fabric to make curtains for myself here at the parsonage. I need to wash & dry it also... but when I went upstairs to get it, it is no where to be found. I moved it at some point, from where I had it... so, now I really need to go & search to find it. It is there... I know it is... the question is where!

So, I guess I am still retreating, even though I am not actually sewing... but, I am still doing quilty things. So, I guess that counts.

I hope all of you reading this have a great night!

Don't forget to turn your clocks BACK tonight!

Here is Moses...

I started retreating today... I worked on and finished a flimsy using Bonnie Hunter's Scrappy Star's pattern. Our guild is using the pattern this year... I thought we could use a break from our usual 'Bricks and Blocks', "Turning Twenty", 'Pinwheels', etc. The flimsie looks really great. I will be pleased with the one I am making for myself... though it will be much bigger, of course.  Knowing me... I'll probably give it away when I am done with it anyway! But... maybe not, we'll see.

I also got to digging around in my sewing room and found more leftover blocks from my butterfly quilt that I made several years ago. So, I am constructing these blocks into another charity quilt for the cancer center. This will make the second charity quilt from the leftovers... I really got carried away! Though, I am not cutting the blocks as I did for the butterflies... I am leaving them so they look like flowers. I will post pictures on Sunday... So you can see all my weekend brags.

I did quit early this afternoon from sewing... my neice [Dana] came and was looking through family pictures for a school project. She is doing a documentary on my Pop, (her grand-pap).  nd, Dana LOVES my apple pies, so since she was coming, I made her a pie, also. She can take that back to college with her... if there is any left by Sunday. Then, Dennis offered to take me to dinner. And, I wasn't passing that up!

Tomorrow, Judy & I will be taking a little trip to the quilt shop. I am looking for homespun for curtains. I think I wrote about this in my blog yesterday, so, I won't bore you with the repeat! We always have a great time when we get together, unfortunately, those times are too few and far between!

OK... it's going on 10 PM... time for a cup of hot tea with honey & bed.

I am looking forward to sewing again tomorrow when I get back from the quilt shop. Until then, I'll be dreaming of 'what I can make next!!'

Have a great night all!
It has been a while since I have sewn, other than a little here, and a little there. I am looking forward to taking some serious time this weekend and dive in!! Saturday, I am even squeezing in a small 'Shop Hop' to Verna's. I need to get some homespun fabric for curtains for my daughter. I have asked my bud, Judy, to tag along. I am sure we will have a great time.

I am not sure what I'll be doing for my retreat time. I suppose I had better start tackling some of the UFO's and WIP's, before they start tackling me!!! It is getting pretty bad in that respect in my sewing room. So many things started and/or thrown aside... and so many other things waiting... The guild is also working on charity quilts and we are also making a quilt to raffle off. Like I said... lots to do!

I finished Cody's costume... His Dark Blue Jelly Belly Jellybean costume... I'll post a picture below. It is a little blurry, because it was taken with a cell phone... but you can still see just how cute he is wearing it. The picture was taken in the 'fitting' stages, so you can see the pins, etc. But, he went trick-or-treating last night, and had a great time!

God Bless you all!
I do hope you are having a great Monday... I am... the sun is shining here in PA, and I am getting ready to go up to the sewing room and make a Halloween costume for Cody. He wants to be a 'Jelly Belly' Jellybean... can you tell he loves them?? Of course, it had to be dark blue, also... his favorite color! So... I'll post pictures while he is wearing it... he'll be so cute!

I have begun doing the Facebook thing... I guess I am on there more that here these days. I am liking the farming games! They are fun to play, but very addictive and very, very time consuming! I need to work on that!

OK... I need to put the sheets I just washed, into the dryer, then upstairs I go! Got to get busy, busy, busy!!!

And, another note... I can't believe that Christmas is only 2 months away!! Where has that time gone??? Better get busy on Christmas presents!!
As you noticed... I didn't write 'Good Morning'... that's because it is 1:15 AM!! I did go to bed around 9 PM, fell asleep, only to be awaken by discomfort & pain. I hate nights like this! So, I am making another cup of hot tea and medication... updating my blog, then I'll go see what is on TV at this hour. Who knows what time I'll get to bed again.

The weather has changed from the Indian summer I wrote about a couple of days ago. It is cooler now, windy and rain. I haven't watched the weather reports to see what the new week will bring, so I'll guess I'll find out when it gets here.

My sewing has not been very plentiful lately... I really need a jump start on that again! I have a lot of projects I 'should' be working on... now to get to it! Dennis is going to a meeting on Monday, and I'll have the house all to myself... a good opportunity to hibernate in my sewing room... uninterrupted... at least by him, anyway.

Well, my tea is done
The weather has been fabulous the past couple of days... lots of sunshine & warmth! I think the skies are even clearer now than they were all summer long! The birds are also enjoying it... they are just singing away every morning when I wake up... You'd swear it was spring! But, unfortunately, the Indian summer weather is only to last for another day... [today]... then turn windy & rainy, and not to mention , COLD, again tomorrow. It was nice while it lasted, though. I thank God for the reprieve we have had.

Jennifer is re-cooperating from her surgery... she tends to push herself a little too much, and ends up hurting more for it, [I wonder who she gets than from??] But, all in all, she does feel a little better everyday. Now, everyone... PRAY FOR BABIES!! Hopefully, this time next year, I'll be posting new grand-baby pictures!

The sewing bee on Saturday was good, but unfortunately, only 2 other people besides me, was there. And, I had Cody with me... so, that makes 4. One guild member dropped off her blocks, but she was really sick, so I was not upset that she went back home. She needed to rest & recover. I did bring home the blocks that we made, and have enough for one quilt top. But, we [the guild] are still making the blocks [hopefully, everyone in the guild are doing the same], and are hoping for many quilts to be donated to the Cancer Center.  I am going to try and machine quilt mine this year... I am really looking forward to the challenge and the practice!

It has been a little over a month now that Mom has been gone. I have had my good days and what I call my 'Melt Down' days. That is normal. I do miss my Mom. I thought it would be easier since we had 'lost her' already to Alzheimer's, but, that is not the case. I find myself thinking about her, back during the times when she was well and happy, not the past  years that she has been sick and trapped. I say trapped because that is what Alzheimer's does, is trap a person in a body, without a mind. But, now Mom is free and whole again, in the loving care of our Lord and Savior. And, she is happy, no longer trapped. That makes me happy, knowing where she is, and that she is truly whole again. I will see her again someday, and look forward to that time. We will have a great family reunion one day... but it will be greater than all the reunions we have ever had here on earth, because we will all be in the Presence of our Lord, celebrating together! You can't get better than that!  I want to say something else about my Mom. My Mom had a million dollar smile... one that really lit up her face... I can picture her now, with that beautiful smile on her face constantly, as she enjoys being in Heaven, looking at her surroundings, being with God! All I can say is WOW! And, that is truly an understatement! I love you Mom and miss you, too!
Life took a busy turn again... with getting the flower beds cleaned up and ready for their 'long-winters-nap', and our daughter had surgery on Wednesday, so I moved in there for a few days to help out with her & our grandson... I have gotten behind on my blogging again!

Tomorrow, I will be going to our guild 'Make A Difference Day' sewing bee. We are making Bonnie Hunter's Star Struck (done scrappy) for our charity quilts this year. We have been doing Bricks & Blocks, Pinwheels, Turning Twenty's, and other 'easy patch' quilts for too many years... I thought we needed a change! I will take my camera to the event tomorrow, providing I don't forget it... and post some pictures afterward.

It is late... or should I say early... 12:27 AM... so, I best get to bed. Cody (is here and he is an early riser!
I have been able to get a little sewing done this week... on and off... but sewing just the same. I am working on the scrappy 'Star Struck' from Bonnie Hunter. I am just making the blocks for now, since I need so many... when I get a lot done, then I'll worry about the rows! We are also doing this same block for our Guild Charity Quilts this year. I was getting tired of doing squares, rectangles and pinwheels... I figured we needed a change.  I am thinking I mentioned this before in a previous blog entry... sorry for repeating!

The wind is horrendous around here today! Dennis had to rescue the garbage cans earlier... they were headed down the street. I am waiting to see other flying objects... being the outdoor toys of the next-door neighbor kids. Could get interesting! Reminds me of the hurricanes when I lived in South Florida! Thank God I wasn't there for Andrew in 1992... [I think that was the year]. I guess we are in for the cooler/colder temps now... summer is definitely gone, Fall is all but gone and winter is approaching at record speeds, it seems! I was looking through last years blog entries, and we had snow in mid-October... BRRRRR! I think it is going to repeat it this October! The leaves are changing... not as good [bright & vivid] as I have seen in the past, but they are still pretty. I do love the colors of Fall.

I played lazy all morning, [Dennis was gone and I had the house to myself!]... then decided to get dressed and go do a little shopping for the upcoming Shoe Bank at the church this weekend. The Shoe Bank is a wonderful thing... we give new sneakers out to children of low-income families. Ages 0-2 can get new sneakers every 3 months, while children ages 3-18 can get new shoes every 6 months. We also give them a new pair of socks and a story book. We started this in January 2009, and have given out close to 2oo pairs of sneakers already! [I haven't added then up since June!] That is a lot since we live in a rural community/area.  It is a wonderful ministry... if you want to learn more about this, let me know... I'll be happy to give you more information about it!

I received a PIG in the mail today! Before all you non-quilters get confused as to when the USPS started to allow shipments of live animals... a PIG is a Project In Grocery Sacks... in other words, a quilting project started by a quilter who put it away for one reason or another... My STASHBUSTER group, has made it a project to get these PIGS done... so, quilters who are in possession of a PIG that they no longer want nor care to finish sends it to another quilter to finish it and donate it to a charity of their choice. The PIG that I got today is an assortment of Christmas themed blocks. I have yet to look at them, but will be doing so when I get off of the computer and go upstairs to bed...Which, I might add, will be in a few short minutes!

So, that being said... I am off to check out my new PIG... and then to dream about what it will be when it grows up!

Wow!! Here it is Sunday, actually Monday [very early] morning. The weekend went by so fast. Though, it wasn't a total bust. Friday night, Cody came to spend the night. That took care of most of Saturday, too. We have such a good time together... Saturday, he was into building with the Lincoln Logs. I build, he knocks them down... but, I so enjoy hearing him giggle, I do not mind at all! What a hoot! Dennis had a wedding to officiate, so Cody & I pretty much had the day to ourselves. 

Today, we had Sunday School & Church, which we had a fellowship dinner after the last church service. They are always good. Today's food theme was 'Italian'. Lots of pasta & garlic bread... all of it was good... as always! This afternoon, we had a district thing to attend. It was very informative and it was nice seeing some of Dennis' colleagues, etc. But, when we got home [about 5:30 PM]... it was 'jammie time!' It was just time to relax. I did get to the sewing room for a short time... long enough to make the 2 fabric postcards I had to make for the Stashbuster swap. Yes, I'm a little late, they were supposed to be mailed on October 1st!! OOPS! But, both are ready to go come morning! It was nice being in the sewing room again!

The Pittsburgh Steelers played a late game this evening... I actually got to see some of it. Good game, but the Steelers had me a bit worried in the 4th quarter! I thought they were going to blow it!! But, in the end, they pulled it through! I love to watch football!