I played lazy all morning, [Dennis was gone and I had the house to myself!]... then decided to get dressed and go do a little shopping for the upcoming Shoe Bank at the church this weekend. The Shoe Bank is a wonderful thing... we give new sneakers out to children of low-income families. Ages 0-2 can get new sneakers every 3 months, while children ages 3-18 can get new shoes every 6 months. We also give them a new pair of socks and a story book. We started this in January 2009, and have given out close to 2oo pairs of sneakers already! [I haven't added then up since June!] That is a lot since we live in a rural community/area.  It is a wonderful ministry... if you want to learn more about this, let me know... I'll be happy to give you more information about it!

I received a PIG in the mail today! Before all you non-quilters get confused as to when the USPS started to allow shipments of live animals... a PIG is a Project In Grocery Sacks... in other words, a quilting project started by a quilter who put it away for one reason or another... My STASHBUSTER group, has made it a project to get these PIGS done... so, quilters who are in possession of a PIG that they no longer want nor care to finish sends it to another quilter to finish it and donate it to a charity of their choice. The PIG that I got today is an assortment of Christmas themed blocks. I have yet to look at them, but will be doing so when I get off of the computer and go upstairs to bed...Which, I might add, will be in a few short minutes!

So, that being said... I am off to check out my new PIG... and then to dream about what it will be when it grows up!


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