I have to say this... There is NOTHING on God's green earth that I or my family needs or wants for me to get up at the crack of dawn, go out into the cold, stand in lines and fight other people for, just to save a few dollars!! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!

I can honestly say... "ID RATHER BE SEWING!!"
I hope everyone had a great day! I know I did! We had about 11 of us here... and we had a good time. Now, everyone has gone home, the clean-up is done... time to relax!!!

I am getting excited for the virtual sewing retreat to start tomorrow! I am looking forward to it! SEW! SEW! SEW!!!!
Yesterday was my birthday! But, I am NOT getting older! I figure all the kids are just catching up to me. Somehow, I know that doesn't cut it with reality, but, in my world...IT WORKS FOR ME!!!

I did get to spend some time in the sewing room yesterday, but, I should've stayed out. Nothing went as planned! I am working on the fabric postcards for the upcoming exchanges and I was trying to be a little more artsy & creative... I guess, that is just NOT me!! So, I am going to resort to what I know & like!

I am preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday. Thank God, my cleaning lady comes Wednesday... that is one thing I don't have to worry about! But, I am not stressed about anything really concerning Thursday... I am looking forward to it!

This weekend, I'll be participating in the virtual sewing retreat with Susan Round, (www.susanround.com) and looking forward to it! I hope to get SOMETHING done, as in completed!
In case you didn't already know.... ONE WEEK UNTIL THANKSGIVING!! And, 36 MORE DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!! OH NO!!! Let get busy! And that includes ME!!

I have been working on some fabric postcards for some upcoming swaps. I am getting inspiration and ideas from looking at old Christmas Card fronts. (I cut old card fronts, all occasions,  into 4 X 6 postcards for mailing to friends). One of my ways I recycle! Anyway... I went through all of them last night, and came up with some more cute ideas. I need to make 6 fabric postcards, and I want to do 6 different ones, instead of all 6 the same. I have 2 finished.. . 4 to go!

I coffee stained more muslin the other day, and threw it in the dryer. Now, hopefully today, I can get that ironed & start on Jennifer's curtains. The muslin is for the curtain linings. TMy plan is to do them all, and take them out one day when she is at work and hang them for her. Of course, I'll probably have to wash the windows first! That's OK... they are tilt-in ones! The best kind! I will also have to remove the mini-blinds, but, that will be a pleasure! I'll be happy to throw those away! Dennis will help, I am sure. He'll have to do the climbing!

OK... Time for tea! I haven't had my first cup yet this morning!! I am in withdrawal!!
I am happy to say that my new kitchen curtains are finished!! I have busted about 4.75 yards from my stash... I am happy about that, of course. Though, it doesn't make a dent in the stash! Now, I need to work on a set of curtains for the laundry room, then get busy on the curtains for the country house where our daughter & family live. Jennifer will be so happy for that change! So will I, actually.

I sent out some things for the church bazaar last Saturday... I am not sure what of my items, actually sold, but, I do know a few things went. I like helping out the church with my quilty stuff. I love making them, and the churches can always use the money in one way or another. It's a win, win situation!

OK... I'll be sewing on & off the rest of the week, and hope to participate in a Cyber Stay-Home Retreat this weekend with an internet group. I do not know if we are getting Cody on Friday, I need to call Jennifer to find out. But, I'll be sewing up till Friday afternoon, and will get back to it after Cody goes home on Saturday. I think I'll work on the charity quilts, so I can get them out of here and mo

The day was beautiful with the sun shining! I know we won't have too many more of these spectacular days.

Cody was here on Friday/ Saturday... he caught a cold... was coughing all day Saturday. By the time we took him home, he was wheezing. Jon gave him a breathing treatment, and they continued those today. He is doing better, as in not wheezing anymore. The cold will pass.

I forgot there was a stay-home retreat this weekend on Stashbuster! I didn't get a lick of sewing done... though, with Cody here, it really wouldn't have been much sewing at all anyway. He loves it when I devote myself to him... being a grandma, I can do that! That is my job! And, I love every minute of it. I'll do my sewing this week!

I was ready for a good football game today, but, the Steelers didn't cooperate. Bummer... they play again next Sunday... I'll try it again! Hopefully, they do better next week!

OK... I am tired, so I am going to go and get ready for bed... maybe turn in early. Tomorrow, I want to finish the curtains for my kitchen windows, hopefully, get the laundry room curtains done, too. Then I'll be on to do the curtains for our country house, (where Jennifer, Jon & Cody live). First, I'll need to go to Joanns for more muslin, and then I'll have to coffee stain it when I run it through the rinse cycle. I use that for lining. Works well.

Goodnight all!
WOW!!! The 11th of November... can you believe it?? Only 44 more days until Christmas... Am I ready??? NO WAY!! I am itching to start the decorating part of it though... I was thinking about that today... We have a Christmas Open House here at the parsonage every year in early December. It gives us a chance to mingle on a more personal level with our parishioners. And, I love being the Hostess, greeting, mingling, and making all the goodies that we serve. I saw on TV yesterday that Ocean Spray advertising Christmas recipes... I think I'll check it out for a new punch recipe to serve this year. www.oceanspray.com  I don't like the hawiian punch stuff...

I have been sewing this week... I am making new curtains for the kitchen... I love them! I was wanting to do the laundry room window as well, but, I do not have enough of the same fabric (Burgundy Checked Homespun)... so, I'll have to go to Verna's again... DARN! Can you tell I am upset?? NOT! I love going to Verna's! Next, I'll start on the curtains for Jennifer's house. She'll be happy to have a change for Christmas! I will have to go to Joann's to get more muslin [for the lining] though. I don't think I have enough to do all of Jennifer's curtains . I will also have to coffee stain it when I run it through the washer, too. I love the old primitive look! So does Jennifer. And to think, she once said she didn't like the way I decorated the house... and now, she does hers the exact same way! It makes me chuckle!! I am still working on the charity quilts, too. I jump back & forth... that way I do not get bored... but, it also gets me further behind, I think! Because I tend to throw in a new project here or there! BAD HABIT!!!!

Today, I helped a new quilter baste-stitch her first quilt. I hope I didn't overwhelm her with all the quilty stuff we talked about. But, she [Liza], was a very good student. She will do fine! I truly enjoyed it! And, I can't wait to help her again!

OK... bedtime here. Goodnight all!
The sun is shining even though it is quite chilly outside, I have the house to myself, but where, Oh Where, has my ambition gone?? I want to get to the sewing room, but have this HUGE desire to be lazy instead! I really need to overcome that. Because I have prime uninterrupted sewing time here... and, many things to do!

Dennis oldest brother Melvin, (age 54), had a heart attack yesterday, underwent a heart cath and angioplasty. They put in 3 stents. Yesterday afternoon when I left the hospital, he was doing well & resting comfortably. The incision in his groin was giving him the most discomfort over everything else. But, it was his wake-up call! He vows to never smoke again!! Hopefully, he will hold on to that! If all went well through the night, he could possibly come home today. I have not heard anything yet on that situation.

Dennis comes back home tonight. I have missed him! Dinner is ready in the frig... all I have to do is heat it up, and we are set. Leftover Ham & Bean soup that I made for the church on Tuesday. Today will be a great day for soup!

I have promised you a picture of the 'Star Struck' quilt [flimsie] that I made for charity. I'll post a picture below. Someone gave me enough blocks at guild on Tuesday night to put another flimsie together. Plus, I have the other leftover block quilt in pieces on the floor. So, I really need to get busy sewing!

OK... I am going to force myself go to the sewing room and be somewhat productive.
Bonnie Hunter's 'Star Struck' pattern...

I really love how this turned out!! This quilt will make someone at the cancer center VERY HAPPY!

I really wish I had an upright stand to hang the quilts and flimsies onto for taking photo's. They would look so much better than laying on the floor!

Today, I worked on & off in the sewing room, on 2 quilts that I am getting ready to be donated to the local cancer center. I love making them. The patients love getting them. And I feel good knowing I have added some warmth & comfort for them [the patients] during their treatments.

I am also making a large pot of Ham & Bean Soup. The church next door will be having a Soup & Sandwich Sale tomorrow evening. That will be cooking all night. The house will smell really good tomorrow morning.

OK... I am beat. I am going to make a cup of tea and go to bed.

I am sooooooo not ready for it to be November already. This summer just whizzed by me somehow. All I can hope for at this point is that I get to enjoy next summer. I do like the fall weather... the colors... the smells. I always loved raking the leaves, though I can no longer do that as I once did. So, I guess I'll set back and enjoy everyone else doing these things now.

I was in the sewing room today. I got the curtain fabric all ironed... all 12 plus yards of it! Man, I thought it would never end! I almost got a blister from holding the iron in my hand that long. And, I FOUND THE FABRIC FOR MY CURTAINS!!! YIPPEE!! I knew it was in the sewing room somewhere! So, I ran that through the washer & dryer, too... now it needs to be ironed. I think I'll give my hand a day to rest and tackle that tomorrow afternoon. TeeHee!

Then, we took supper to our daughters home... {Jennifer, Jon & grandson, Cody] and had a nice dinner with a good visit. Jon even fired up the fireplace... it was very nice & cozy!