WOW!!! The 11th of November... can you believe it?? Only 44 more days until Christmas... Am I ready??? NO WAY!! I am itching to start the decorating part of it though... I was thinking about that today... We have a Christmas Open House here at the parsonage every year in early December. It gives us a chance to mingle on a more personal level with our parishioners. And, I love being the Hostess, greeting, mingling, and making all the goodies that we serve. I saw on TV yesterday that Ocean Spray advertising Christmas recipes... I think I'll check it out for a new punch recipe to serve this year.  I don't like the hawiian punch stuff...

I have been sewing this week... I am making new curtains for the kitchen... I love them! I was wanting to do the laundry room window as well, but, I do not have enough of the same fabric (Burgundy Checked Homespun)... so, I'll have to go to Verna's again... DARN! Can you tell I am upset?? NOT! I love going to Verna's! Next, I'll start on the curtains for Jennifer's house. She'll be happy to have a change for Christmas! I will have to go to Joann's to get more muslin [for the lining] though. I don't think I have enough to do all of Jennifer's curtains . I will also have to coffee stain it when I run it through the washer, too. I love the old primitive look! So does Jennifer. And to think, she once said she didn't like the way I decorated the house... and now, she does hers the exact same way! It makes me chuckle!! I am still working on the charity quilts, too. I jump back & forth... that way I do not get bored... but, it also gets me further behind, I think! Because I tend to throw in a new project here or there! BAD HABIT!!!!

Today, I helped a new quilter baste-stitch her first quilt. I hope I didn't overwhelm her with all the quilty stuff we talked about. But, she [Liza], was a very good student. She will do fine! I truly enjoyed it! And, I can't wait to help her again!

OK... bedtime here. Goodnight all!

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