Good Morning All! Thanksgiving Day has come & gone. We had a very good day. Ate, visited and relaxed. We actually had time after clean-up to veg in front of the TV and watch a movie, 'Fred Claus'. And, the big news there is that I didn't fall asleep, which is what I usually do. Hey, I curl up in my quilt, the girls (my 2 wiener dogs) usually crawl in too, we relax and crash. It's a natural thing to do! Sometimes it takes me up to a week to watch a whole movie!

The Christmas decorating has begun. But, I have a ways to go. Dennis hasn't even begun to bring up the big totes, full of decorations, from the basement! I will tackle that in the next few days. We have Open House here at the parsonage next Sunday, so I must be ready for that.

Cody is coming (on his little vacation) on Tuesday, and staying until Thursday evening. We will have a great time. I want to get some things lined up for crafts to make. He'll like that. I think on Wednesday, we are going to take him to the bigger mall in our area, and let him see all the mall decorations. They even have a little train that he can ride in around the huge Christmas tree there... He'll love that! We wanted to do that last year, but that didn't work out.

We have been on vacation this past week. We had no real plans to go anywhere, which is good because Dennis ended up in the emergency room of the local hospital on Friday.(Our medical doctor's office was closed for the holiday). He is a hurting boy! I won't go into details, but he is on antibiotics and hopefully he'll get to feeling better soon.

I hope the snow comes soon! It helps me to get ready for Christmas! This year with Cody being three, it is going to be great come Christmas morning. We are going out to watch him open his gifts that morning. He'll be bouncing off the walls with excitement!

Well, I'm going to close for now. It's time to get ready for church!


It is so pretty outside because we are getting some snow! I love to watch it come down. We are not to get a lot of accumulation, maybe 2 to 3 inches... but that is OK, as I know we are in store for more now that the winter weather has come to stay.

We are preparing for Thanksgiving Dinner here at our house. The gathering will be small, but that is good. It will give us all a chance to unwind & relax for a day.

I have begun to decorate for Christmas, and have put away my fall things, even though we haven't had Thanksgiving yet... but, oh well. They [the Thanksgiving decorations) have been out for several months now anyway, it's time for something new.

Goodnight for now. If I don't get back to blog before Thanksgiving, I hope all of you have a Blessed Day! Remember to count your blessings, and thank God for each and every one of them.


Yesterday was my birthday! We won't discuss just how old I am... not that I am one of those fanatical women who swear they are 29 years old for 75 years! You are only as old as you feel, and I don't feel like I am getting any older. I just tell everyone that the kids are catching up with me! It was a great day though.  Cody sang 'Happy Birthday' to me at the breakfast table, and that just made my day! Dennis was busy with church things, so Cody & I had the day together. We fed the birds, played in the snow. drank 'Snowman Soup', (AKA: hot chocolate), and just enjoyed each other. Thank you God!

I cannot believe that it is Thanksgiving this week already.  We will be celebrating with a smaller crowd this year. But, the day will be filled with food, fellowship and a time for Thanksgiving to God, for all the blessings he has bestowed upon us. We all have a lot to be grateful for... none of us has to look too far or too hard to find them. We take so much for granted everyday. It doesn't matter whatever our personal circumstances in life may be, everyone has something to be grateful/thankful for.

We just got back from a Community Thanksgiving Service. It was in a beautiful church, filled with many beautiful people. Thank You God! It was a great time of sharing.

Goodnight for now!


Yes, we are in store for some lake effect snow! They are calling for a mere 1 to 3 inches... but, north of here, they have already received 6 inches (according to the 5:30 PM news), and more is coming at 1 to 2 inches per hour! Wow, I wish we were so lucky here in the southern end of the county! We'll see by morning just how much the good Lord has in store for us. I know it will be beautiful in the morning, no matter what!
The temps are down in the high teens/low 20's, and are to remain in that vicinity for a few days. Oh well, this is the weather we have, at this time of year, here in this part of the woods! I guess we'd better get used to it!

 My boy is coming to stay the night with Mimi & Papa! I'm a happy girl!! Who knows what we will get into tomorrow after I pick him up. Though, we do have to feed the birds! I keep forgetting to do that. Cody likes to help scoop & carry the seeds out. He is a really great helper! My poor birds probably think I have left town or something. I feel bad with this cold weather we are having. I'll be extra nice tomorrow, and put out suet cakes! They love those!

Well, I'm going to close for now. I have some sewing I need to do. I'll go and set in bed while doing that, and watch TV. I am working on some Christmas projects for my primitive Christmas tree I put in the dining room. Homemade ornies (ornaments) made from yo-yo's. After I get them done, if I remember, I'll take a picture & put it in my gallery for you to see.

Goodnight to ALL!


It was snowing today, some big fat flakes at times! It put me so in the mood for a real snowfall, and Christmas, but, then it stopped. But, the snow was so pretty coming down. I'll just have to wait a little longer!

I am so happy... I am going to have Cody again this weekend! I miss that little guy so much! It'll be 2 weeks since he was here! Way too long for me!

Well, I really don't have much else to say. I'll write later!


It was an early morning for me today! I woke up shortly before 5 AM, and once I am awake, that's it. I have to get out of bed. That first cup of hot tea (with honey) in the morning really taste good, and is usually followed by 2 more after that! What can I say, I love my tea! It is decaf... so I'm good!

I found a new website for all you quilters to check out...
I t gives a lot if inspiration, and is a great site to visit for ideas of storage, quilts, etc.  I have spent probably the last hour (or more) going all over her site! Now, I want to get to the sewing room, but, Dennis is still sleeping, and it's Sunday, so, I'll have to wait until after church! But, then look-out sewing machine... Here I come! If I would go to my sewing room before church, which I have done in the past... I loose track of time, then I am rushed to get where I need to be. So, I find it best to wait. Though, that takes a lot of restraint at times!

I am on a Cody withdrawal! We did not get him this weekend. I don't know how much longer I can go without getting my hands on 'my boy'! Can you tell that his Mimi loves him? That is certainly the truth and nothing but the truth!

This week, I have several things in mind to do... one is to do some hand-quilting... (I am hand-quilting it for a friend, and she is ready to have it back now)... another is to start decorating for Christmas. Ask me on Friday how far I got with either one! Usually, when I have plans, they always get sidetracked, because something or someone else takes priority. We will see. I have to get that quilt done, because it is in my living room. Right where my Christmas tree will go... the third thing I have in mind, is to get into the sewing room and work on some new things! I have bought all kinds of fall fabric in the past months, and have all kinds of ideas and patterns, but haven't had the time. I have been working on Charity Quilts, which is great, and I love doing them, but it takes time.  The churches have been busy, my parents needed me... Everything takes time.  Now, it is past time really, to do fall things, as there is less than 2 weeks until Thanksgiving. It's time for Christmas things! Or, if I was really organized and up on things, I'd be doing Spring/Summer things! Some day maybe... We all have said that we need another day added to the week, or more hours in a day, but wouldn't those extras still get filled with the little things that eat up our time also? God knew what he was doing. We need to just slow down, and use our time wisely. I guess that is what God had in mind all along.

Well, I need another cup of tea... my second this morning, one to go after that. Then, I can face the day.

Have a great day! We'll chat again soon!


I guess I listened to the wrong person yesterday when they told me the weather was to be nice until the weekend, because, today, we have rain. I am not complaining, mind you, as we do need it so badly! Pray for more rain in the areas that need it. The reservoirs around here are so low.

I am patiently, or maybe impatiently, waiting for the big first snowfall of the year! It is something I do look forward to every year. It puts me in the mood for the upcoming holidays. And, it brings back many beautiful and special memories from my childhood, as well as when our kids were little, playing in the snow, sled riding, and snowball fights! To be able to do that again, would be great! But being able to watch Cody do these things, more this year now that he is three, will be even more memory treasures I can store away for later. The mind is a wonderful thing! We must always Thank God for this great gift that He gave to us.

Going to close for now as I must get my breakfast and get busy at whatever I happen to end up doing. I'd love it if I could get to my sewing room! The projects I want to make, keep circling around in my mind... my hands just want to be touching fabric and creating! I want to make some new purses. I have the fabric to do them, I just need to find the pattern. I know it is in my sewing room somewhere!!

Have a great day! May God's Blessings be with all of you!


We had several errands to do today. I am glad that the weather was rather nice. I guess it is to stay this way into the weekend, which will be nice. Though, I am looking forward to our first real snowfall! Sorry to those that aren't... but I like the snow.

Thanksgiving is coming fast! We have begun to stock up on the needed items for the big family dinner. I love having people here in our home. The extended family has grown, and have branched off to have their own family gatherings. But, that is fine. Each family need to make their own traditions to pass on.  All of it is important, but yet so special.

I think next week I'll start to decorate for Christmas. That is my favorite time of the year, and I have a lot of decorations to put out. This way, we can enjoy them for a longer time, which suits me just fine. 

I am still working on charity quilts. I did deliver 8 of them to the Cancer Center already. I had nowhere to store them really, and I felt that they [the quilts] would do better given to someone in need.  I have a quilt laid out on the floor of Dennis' upstairs office. I do need to get that one together, because I have blocks ready for 2 more after that. These are leftovers from another project that I made too many blocks for. I think I was planning on doing 2 bed sized quilts, when I was making these blocks a couple of years ago. I do have the one completed. It is on Cody's bed here. So, since I am not making the second bed sized quilt, I can almost get 3 lap sized quilts from the blocks. I will have to make a few more blocks [I think 4 of them] to get enough to make it 3.  But, I have the fabric, and the pattern/block is easy.

Well, I am going to close for now. I do hope everyone has a great day!


Wow! The last week really went fast! I can hardly believe it. Though, it was a great week, indeed. God is good, ALL of the time! Doing His ministry in the past week was very rewarding! I can hardly wait to see what else He has in store for me to do.

I [and the guild members] have been doing Charity Quilts. We are getting quite a pile of them. I bagged up about ten of them last evening, and had to move them out of my sewing room, so I had room to get in there. I found a  bag of blocks I had left from another quilt project. I am going to put those together to add to our pile of charity quilts. This is good, though. I really enjoy giving them away! And, I could use the space in my sewing room!

Being Sunday, I'll be going to church here soon. Maybe I'll be inspired to write more later. But for now, I think I will close.


And, what a busy weekend it was! We had Cody Friday through Saturday, and that is always fun. Saturday morning, I went for a couple of hours to the guild sewing bee. We [the ladies & I] had such a great time sewing and chatting. We had quite a few quilt tops to work on! Our numbers of Charity Quilts will be up this year! Praise God!

Today, I must get the soup started for the Soup & Sandwich Sale that we are doing at the church next door tomorrow. They do this on every election day, as the election hall is right across the street from the church. I am making Vegetable Beef Soup. There will also be Chicken Noodle and Ham & Bean. M-M-Good! We are hoping for a big turn-out tomorrow.

I do hope everyone gets out to vote. Though, we really do not have anyone to vote for! My opinion is that McCain or Obama is not suitable for Presidency. And, I was not a Hillary fan either. So... we had nor have no candidates! I do not like these elections that we have to try to figure out who is the best of two evils! No matter what happens, or who gets elected, we are in for trouble for the next four years! So, brace yourself!
OK... enough politics!

Has anyone started their Christmas shopping yet? I can honestly say, I have, and I am so happy about that. We are usually out shopping a couple of weeks before Christmas.  But, that's OK, too, as that is when all the good sales are going on. No one on my list is completly done yet, but at least I have started!

Well, I'm going to go. I got a lot to do to get that soup started. I hope you all have a great day.  I am looking forward to smelling that soup cook, all day long!! And, I'll most likely be sampling it, too!

Monday night football tonight! Steelers are playing! GO STEELERS!!