Living where we do, there are a lot of fairs to attend with not much traveling time to get to them. We do not try to hit them all, but this year Dennis wanted to go to the Grange Fair. He had not been there since he was a teenager, and I have never been there. I must say it was nice, with lots of activity and food vendors. Of course, the first place we looked up was the Grange Building that displayed the quilts! It was nice to see the works of others. And, I bought 2 tickets for the raffle quilt! A beautiful queen sized applique... done with a dark burgundy accent color on white, along the line of a Baltimore Album. It would look very nice on my bed!! And, this particular quilt, I would not attempt by myself at this time, maybe later, but it was beautiful!

We also looked at the campers on display at the fair. There was a lot of them. Some were very nice and had a nice price tag to go with it! It would be nice to have a camper again someday in the not-so-far-off future... I do miss camping on a regular basis, and taking Cody would always be a great adventure! Besides, the kids could borrow it, too.  But, the campers of yester-year, sure has been upgraded!! WOW!! I wouldn't mind them at all!

I am hoping to get to the sewing room tomorrow. I want to get busy on something... anything, really... as I haven't had the time to do much this summer. I get a day here & there, but that has been too sporadic! I need a constant... with the garden being done and the weather getting cooler, I should be able to do more in the way of quilting... I am surely looking forward to that! I NEED to sew!!!

OK... bedtime here! Goodnight ALL!
I can't believe that a week has went by and so quickly! Things have been crazy busy, everyday, we had something to do. Though, Wednesday was all about what I wanted to do, so my friend Dawn, my MIL & I went on a road trip to Amish country. It was a good day. We found a new quilt shop too, that made the day even better!!! I bought fabric for a quilt for my great-niece. She left for college & her classes will start tomorrow. I just spoke to her dad, and things are shaky, but I am sure the jitters will dissipate once Ashley gets in the groove of school & her new surroundings. I want to get her quilt done and get it to her ASAP! But, as you know, my plans don't always work out the way I want them to. I haven't been in the sewing room for about 2 weeks now, and I am starting to feel a little in withdrawal. I need to be sewing, and SOON! I want to have time in the sewing room this week. We'll see. I'll try and keep you updated. Tomorrow, Dennis & I have a date. So, I am not sure if I'll get to sew tomorrow. I might have to wait until Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon, I have to go & pick up Cody from his first day at Pre-school. I think I'll take him to the park for a while, if the weather permits. That night, I have guild. Then, I think the rest of the week is open, until Friday night. We'll be tied up with a wedding rehearsal & dinner then, then of course, the wedding on Saturday. Dennis has to work, you know! Next weekend will be the same... another wedding. On Thursday, September 10th, Dennis & I will be celebrating our 32nd wedding anniversary! I'm not sure what our plans will be. With church meetings and all, we might have to go & celebrate with dinner on the 9th instead. We'll see.

We closed on Mom & Pop's house on Friday. That's one headache out of the way. Mom is settled into the Nursing Home. Pop remains at the Personal Care home. This arrangement will be a challenge, but we'll work it out & manage. We'll make the best of what we have & go from there.

We had such a nice time visiting with all of our guests (I'd say about 75 to 100), the night just went by too quickly! The weather was beautiful, I couldn't have asked for anything better! Cody & the other kids played hard, I know they will all sleep good tonight! Cody was a bit over-tired, so he was fussing & crying through getting his tubby for bed. Not good, as Mom was getting very frustrated with him.  But, they both survived. I know I am ready for bed! I wanted to check in here quickly tonight, and I will be making myself a cup of hot tea, then going up to get ready & go to bed. Dennis i off of he first church in the morning, so we can sleep in a little. Now that I know that, I'll probably be awake at 5 AM! It always happens that way.

Goodnight all!
Today was supposed to be my day in the sewing room, but it never happened for several reasons of which I will not bother you with. Tomorrow, my cleaning lady will be here bright & early, so I might have a chance to do a little sewing before I'll need to leave for a lunch meeting. I think I'll spend the rest of tonight looking over my patterns & fabrics, so I'll have an idea of what I would like to do in the morning.

I started making Zucchini Bread this afternoon, but Dennis has taken over... my back was giving me a lot of fits, so I took a pill and laid down after getting the first 2 loaves in the oven. I must have really zonked out because I never heard the timer beeping when they were done, and didn't hear Dennis mixing up the second batch. I still feel very tired, so I'm off to bed early tonight.

I'll write more tomorrow and maybe I'll have some new project pictures to brag about!
We worked hard today, preparing for our upcoming Annual Corn Boil/Weenie Roast, that will be held on Saturday at our country home. I'll be shopping later this week, but today I had to take inventory as to what paper products I actually needed, etc. I am pretty set on all that, I guess I over-bought last year! OOPS! This event is a big to-do for me... as it is a passed down family event, started by my uncle many years ago. When Uncle Roy's age and bad-health started to creep in on him, he sold his home & parted with the things that meant a lot to him, as all people have faced or will face at one point in time... anyway, he picked me to 'inherit' the huge iron kettle & tri-pod, and this time-honored tradition. The kettle was actually owned by my grandfather, and it was used when the butchering was done on the farms.  So, the roots go pretty deep. I feel honored to be the keeper of this tradition and the kettle! Uncle Roy has since passed away, and I really miss him a lot at this time of year. Even after he passed the tradition to me, he was always the one who showed up 2 to 3 hours early to help shuck the corn! I will be visiting with him in my heart & my thoughts, as I set and shuck the corn this Saturday!
Cody & I went blueberry pickin' this morning, and he did pretty good for a 3 year old... (OK, almost 4). I had to laugh, he kept asking me how much I had in my bucket, and when I'd show him, he'd take my bucket and dump it into his... he is definitely NOT a dummy! He did pick some though, and he ate some, too. But, so did I. They were so good! But, the heat of the day increased quickly, and soon we were both played out. So, we went to lunch. He had a hot dog, I had a burger, and we both got milkshakes! AWESOME! When Jon came to get Cody, I fed them dinner and sent them on their way. I miss my boy already!

Next weekend we will be having our annual Corn Boil & Weenie Roast at our country home. I am combining Dennis' graduation party with that. We will have a grand time, as always. I am hoping for a big crowd. We always invite a large crowd! We are going out Monday to start the preparations. This is a passed down tradition from my uncle. He is gone now, and I sure miss him a lot at this time of year.

I think I am going upstairs early tonight. A nice shower sounds good, right now. It was a hot day! Besides, I need to fold all the laundry I washed today! There is always something to do!

Since Monday is booked for the preparations of the upcoming cookout/party, I guess my sewing adventures will have to wait until Tuesday. I'll have something to look forward to!
This morning, I worked diligently to get my Paint Chip Guild Challenge done. All the binding is now complete and the label is attached! It was a good morning. I even went outside to set on my glider to sew... that's always a bonus for me! But, the temps are rising, and by the time I got done, I was feeling the heat even more being under the fabric of the wall hanging! The heat is good though... I am not complaining one bit!

Dennis is busy with the yard duties, mowing, weed whacking, etc... I am getting ready to go up and shower and get ready for our appointment at 2:30 PM. Thought I'd stop in here to ramble a little before doing that.

Cody comes tonight after his Bible School program. We will be attending that later. This is his first full week in Bible School... I can't wait to see how he does tonight in the program.

I think I'll take Dennis out to dinner tonight... only thing is... there is not many choices in our little town... bummer... maybe we'll hit the local pizza shop for a stromboli! I really am not in the mood for a burger!

OK... I can't think of anything else to 'ramble' about right now... so, I'll let you go!

Have a great day!

PS... I can't wait till I see my boy!
Today, I did get to do some hand-sewing on my Paint Chip Challenge... still have about 2 sides to go with the binding. When this is complete, I am thinking about starting some fall projects to sell. I got a bunch of the Buggy Barn 'Pumpkin Spice' fabric last year, and the new 'Disa Designs' fall book, also... I have several projects that I want to do with that... now is a good time to start. I always have UFO's to work on... and WIP's are never in short supply in my sewing room!

I picked the squash that was ready in the garden before they grow to monstrosity proportions... My brother gave us another batch of green beans last week, and we finally got them canned today. Thank God they were still good! We are in the midst of canning the beets. I did give half of them to my buddy, Judy, so we only will have 2 batches to do instead of 4! Praise be! I really didn't need any beets this year because I have many pints left from last year... but I supply several family members and I don't mind canning beets at all! So, it doesn't hurt to have extras. I plant beets every year, whether I need them or not! I use my Mom's canning recipe, and we all love that! They are soooooo good! Our tomatoes have acquired blight... most everyone's have... I haven't heard anyone saying they have had a tomato sandwich yet... Dennis will be pulling our plants this weekend and burning them. I hope I can pick up some tomatoes next week when I scoot down to the Amish Farmers Market in Belleville! I am soooooo hungry for a tomato sandwich!

Well, gotta go. The next batch of beets are ready to be put in the canner... then, I'm off to bed. Dennis can take them out of the pot after they boil for 30 minutes! Hopefully, I'll be dreaming by then!
I tried to post my pictures last night, but the website was having issues that hindered my progress on that. Tonight, it seems to be working correctly, so I'll try my luck. Check out my gallery!

Today, I had to take a couple of elderly parishioners to their doctors appointments, which turned out to be very productive sewing time for me. I took 3 smaller items (placemats) that needed the binding hand-sewn down, one small wall hanging that needed the label sewn on, and my challenge project that also needs the final hand-sewing on the binding. I completed the first four items and started on the challenge binding while I waited. It was a good day! If I had stayed home, this sewing would not have been completed, so I am grateful for the down time I had today.

It looks like I'll be canning beets and green beans tomorrow!
Yesterday, I worked on the guild challenge that is due like, TODAY!! OK, I'm running late. But, last evening, I was doing the machine quilting on the border, and ran out of thread! So, off to Joannes this morning, to get more, so I can get back here and finish my project before this evening! Being the guild President, I don't want to set a bad example by not being done, so I will be working diligently this afternoon so I have a finished project to take to the meeting! Tonight at the Challenge revealing, we are having Dessert Night. All of us are to bring something to share. I made Fudgy Brownies last night... M-M Good! I also had to have one when they came out of the oven! Hey, I had to be sure they were good enough for the others!! LOL...So, when I get the guild challenge done, I WILL POST A PICTURE! I know, I have saying that repeatedly the past few blog entries, but today is the day!! I will get it done! At least, that is my goal! Hopefully, it will happen!

Have a Great Day to ALL!! Keep those machines humming! Gotta run. I'm delivering the quilt I sold here shortly