I know my blog postings have been few & far between, but, I have been busy with everything!!! The house, church functions & church business, packing and many other things. 

Yes, I did mention packing. My husband is being appointed to a new church district. We will have 2 churches, as compared to the 4 we have had for the past 8 years. The Parsonage is a ranch style, where we have had a 2-story, and we will have a 2-car garage!! YEAH!!! I am looking forward to that. But, I am really looking forward to the new sewing 'studio' I will have!! It is 'SWEET'!!! Though, we love & will miss the friends we have made over the past 8 years at this charge, God has new plans for us. We are excited about the new challenges that will be in our new future, and for all the new friends we will make. And, the parishioners we currently have, have spoiled us tremendously on all the upgrades and changes they have done to our current parsonage. We are grateful for everything. I will miss this house, the neighborhood, and our church family.

Not real happy about moving away from our grandson & our kids... but, we will only be about 2 hours away... that is not that bad. And, we need to be grateful because it could have been worse! 

We have picked the paint for the new parsonage... and I guess we get to pick new carpeting for my sewing studio. We will be making a day trip soon to take care of that business. 

Sewing has come basically to a halt in all the changes going on. I do want to get the curtains finished for my daughter & my niece. And, I think I will have a quilt to make for a friend. Hopefully, I can postpone that till after the move. I really don't have the time right now. We'll see. 

Knitting is much easier to do right now. I have made several of those ruffly scarves. I'll post a picture of my friend of whom I gave one too. They are extremely easy and beautiful. I made 3 for the church Bazaar... selling 2 of them. Another church lady made a couple of them, too. I think one of hers sold. I guess this is not the time of year to be thinking of scarves! I know I am thinking of warm weather & sunshine!!! I am also making dishcloths... those I could probably make in my sleep! But, they are fun and they make wonderful little gifts for friends. 

OK... bedtime for now. Goodnight ALL!! God's blessings to everyone!

Happy Quilting!!
Chris in PA
This is my friend, modeling her new scarf I made for her. Doesn't she look absolutely gorgeous in blue??