Yes, we got a few inches here in central PA. But, the sun is back out this morning, and it is melting. You only see the snow now in the shady spots. But, it was beautiful coming down. I ventured out yesterday only to walk 4 doors down to the Post Office. It saddened me that I had to get my heavy winter coat and wear. I was trying to hold out. But, the wind & snow yesterday, wore me down! Oh well, you have to look on the bright side... Spring is coming!

Yesterday, I got to put the second quilt together for the 2 little girls down the street. They [the quilts] turned out really nice. I just have to tie them, and they will be done. I will get them delivered by this weekend! I am so happy that that plan came together! The guild is to get together on Saturday to do our Charity Quilts. I have 7 quilt tops made for that. Saturday, we'll layer those, and get them together. We will take them home to tie. We try to have them done by our December Christmas Party, and show them off then to the group. After that, I will deliver them to the Cancer Center, and any other places they need to go.

Right now, in between blogging, I am baking cupcakes. Our church next door is having a Pumpkin Party tonight during the Trick-or-Treating in the neighborhood.  The kids are treated to fun & games, and of course, 'Treats' while they visit the Social Room of the church. This is the 5th year they have done this and it is well received. Unfortunately, we cannot attend the Pumpkin Party, because there is also Church Conference set-up. And that, we MUST attend. I will deliver my Trick-or-Treats to the neighborhood kids later today since we will not be home to catch them at the door.

Well, can't think of anything else to add at this time, so I'll close for now. I do hope you have a great day.

                                     GO PENN STATE!!

                                                                                     GO STEELERS!!


First, I want to say Happy Birthday to my niece, Wendy, who lives in sunny Florida! Lucky girl, when you think about what is headed our way. Don't get me wrong. I love living in Pennsylvania with the change of seasons. Fall is my favorite. I can even say I love the snow... a fresh snowfall holds a beauty all of it's own. I just strongly dislike, [my Mom always told me it is not nice to hate!], the bitter temperatures of January & February. I could do without that.

Sunday after church, I did get to my sewing room for a while. Among several things I did, one of them was a pillowcase for Cody, using 'Cat Chine' fabric. It matches his quilt that I made for him in May 2008. He loves his 'Cat Chines', and for anyone who does not know what I am talking about... Caterpillar, Heavy Equipment, bulldozers, loaders, back hoes, etc... you get the picture? He can name them all! Though, he does get it honest, with both of his parents working for a Caterpillar Dealer. When Jennifer took it home today, [I delivered it to her earlier today], she told me Cody wanted it on his bed right away. They even had to lay down on it, to try it out. I hope they took pictures. I just love making my boy smile!

Tonight, I cut out 2 bed quilts, [twin sized]. They will be given to 2 little girls that live diagonally from me. It's a sad family story there, just keep them in your prayers. The quilts are a simple pattern, and they will be tied, so the assembly will go quickly. I have one of them laid out on the floor of Dennis' upstairs office, and the other one is laid out on our bedroom floor. Dennis is quite used to this... having to step over my quilts. Like I said, they will go together quickly, so I am hoping to get them delivered by this weekend. And, the cold is coming, so they'll need them.

You know, I could probably make 50 quilts with the fabric I have upstairs in my sewing room. I must admit... I am a Fabric Addicted Quilter... you would truly have to be one yourself, to understand. It is not a bad thing. It is quite the opposite! You ought to try it sometime...

Well, I am going to close for now. Thanks for reading my blog. Drop me a comment when you can. I'd love to hear from you. Enjoy my gallery. I will be updating it again soon. God Bless.


I don't know how it does it, but time sure slips by at lightening speed! I have intended to blog daily, but you see how that is working out. You remember what they say about good intentions.

I have been doing some hand-quilting. This quilt is for a friend. I have had her quilt for several years, so I know it is time for it to be done and out of here.  I will be getting in my sewing room this week. I already have projects lined up, ready to go. Hopefully, my back cooperates a little and lets get a some sewing done.  It's a pain because I can only set for short times. I'll post the pictures in my gallery of the finished items.  We'll see how far I get.

I'm going to close. I was doing my blogging while I was waiting for my tea to finish, so... it is tea time now, a favorite part of my day!

God Bless You!


Well... it has been 2 days since my last entry. Sorry if you missed me! Yesterday, I was in the sewing room for a while, working on Charity Quilts. I now have 5 quilt tops ready! There will be more by November 1st. That is the day we [the guild] are planning on getting together to layer & tie the quilts. I am hoping for a large number of quilts this year, to give the Cancer Center.

We were out at the house a bit yesterday. Cutting down some more very overgrown Christmas trees. I am so happy to be clearing them out. Dennis might not be so happy as he is the one who has to do the work! We will get out to burn those trees after we get some rain around here! It is terribly dry.

I went to the local quilt shop today in between my doctors & hair cut appointments. I should know better. I always find more things I'd like to make. Quilting is a vicious cycle! But, I love it! And, I won't be giving it up anytime soon!

Well, better go for now. I pray that all of you have a safe & happy day!


Hello All,

Well, Cody left a little while ago. They were on their way to a hayride, then church. Dennis suggested we go to the hayride, but I declined. I have been busy, too busy, today. It is time to lay down.

Cody woke up at 5:30 AM, all bright eyed and ready to go. He knows I love my hot tea & honey, so he enticed me out of bed by suggesting we go and make a pot of tea. [No dummy there!] We came down, made the tea, then I popped a movie into the VCR for him. I was actually hoping he'd go back to sleep, but, no way! I needed to make lunch for the Youth Group today, so I made the Sloppy Joes in the Crockpot, made 2 batches of brownies, and a pot of iced tea, while he watched his movie. The rest of the day consisted of doing laundry, playing with Cody, feeding the 'troops' over at church, and making & freezing applesauce today, I AM DONE! But, I enjoyed my day. Every bit of it!

Dennis is out mowing the yard. He is looking really forward to putting the mower away for this year. He actually has tomorrow off. It is Laity Sunday. That means that the pulpit will be filled by a church Lay Speaker. We are to attend a "Pastor's Day Away' event. The DS [District Superintendent] will be doing this service at one of the area churches. This is to emphasize that the Pastor's are to take their days off. It doesn't always happen! Anyway, mingling starts at 9:30 AM, then church & lunch, then an afternoon program also. But, I will be saving room for dessert, as our Youth Group are having a 'Dessert Night' tomorrow evening with Homemade Ice Cream & Homemade Pies! YUMMY!! That reminds me... I need to make 2 pies! I'll tell you, sometimes days just aren't long enough, and sometimes, there is just not enough of them [days, that is]! Our calendar is filling up! And, most times, we are double & triple booked for events. I can't do them all, it is just too much for me.

Well, I'd better close for today. I don't know if I'll get to blog tomorrow, but I hope you have a great day! Go to church and thank God for all your blessings! H love to see you!


Hello All,

Well, I got about half of the apples canned. I cannot claim all the credit, Dennis did help. The kitchen here in the parsonage is not a 'canning kitchen', so we took everything over to the church next door. They have a huge 10 burner stove and lots of counter space. The stove is gas, so that cut down on a LOT of time! We did 2 batches, which is 14 quarts. I think I am going to do the rest of these apples into applesauce today. We can always go back to the fruit farm for more. I need to do about 2 or 3 more batches of apples, (14 to 21 quarts), so I have enough for this year coming. I love to bake apple pies! And, some of the parishioners love it when I bake them for the church dinners!

Cody is coming today. We are getting ready to go 'rescue' him from daycare. He doesn't know we are coming to get him today. So, he'll be so surprised when I walk through the door in his classroom. I love it when his little face just lights up! Then, he comes running!

I never did make it to the sewing room yesterday. The apples did me in. But, no problem. The sewing machine is always set-up and ready for me, no matter when I get there. And, I'll never have to worry about running out of projects to do. I could be home bound for a year, and still have projects in my sewing room to complete. Hey, that is what being a quilter is all about. I am currently trying to work on my scrap pile. I have recently made a quilt for the Cancer Center, and that never put a dent into my scrap pile! I could keep going and make about 100 of those quilts! I think I will! But, all in good time. Only problem is, I'll always have scraps because I am always working on one project or another! Oh well, someone will always be warm with the quilts I make from those scraps!

I hope everyone has a great day! I know I will, as 'My Boy' will be here until his Mom & Dad come and get him sometime tomorrow! It's Mimi time!!


Here we go! Technology is amazing! Just think, little me, creating my own website. Miracles never cease! Today, I will be canning apples. I will definitely 'enjoy the fruits of my labor' this winter with some yummy apple pies! Maybe later, after doing the apples, typing the church bulletin, and resting whenever necessary, I can get some time in my sewing room. The Quilt Guild I belong to is in the midst of making Charity Quilts for some local organizations, which includes the local Cancer Center. From what I am told by the nurses who work there, the patients really love the quilts. They carry them to and from their treatments, making the quilts a kind of security blanket for them.  Not to mention, keeping them warm, too. It gives a great feeling, knowing that I or we can help out in some way. Well, those apples will not can themselves, so I must get off of here and get busy. As John Wayne said, "We're burning daylight!"