Hello All,

Well, Cody left a little while ago. They were on their way to a hayride, then church. Dennis suggested we go to the hayride, but I declined. I have been busy, too busy, today. It is time to lay down.

Cody woke up at 5:30 AM, all bright eyed and ready to go. He knows I love my hot tea & honey, so he enticed me out of bed by suggesting we go and make a pot of tea. [No dummy there!] We came down, made the tea, then I popped a movie into the VCR for him. I was actually hoping he'd go back to sleep, but, no way! I needed to make lunch for the Youth Group today, so I made the Sloppy Joes in the Crockpot, made 2 batches of brownies, and a pot of iced tea, while he watched his movie. The rest of the day consisted of doing laundry, playing with Cody, feeding the 'troops' over at church, and making & freezing applesauce today, I AM DONE! But, I enjoyed my day. Every bit of it!

Dennis is out mowing the yard. He is looking really forward to putting the mower away for this year. He actually has tomorrow off. It is Laity Sunday. That means that the pulpit will be filled by a church Lay Speaker. We are to attend a "Pastor's Day Away' event. The DS [District Superintendent] will be doing this service at one of the area churches. This is to emphasize that the Pastor's are to take their days off. It doesn't always happen! Anyway, mingling starts at 9:30 AM, then church & lunch, then an afternoon program also. But, I will be saving room for dessert, as our Youth Group are having a 'Dessert Night' tomorrow evening with Homemade Ice Cream & Homemade Pies! YUMMY!! That reminds me... I need to make 2 pies! I'll tell you, sometimes days just aren't long enough, and sometimes, there is just not enough of them [days, that is]! Our calendar is filling up! And, most times, we are double & triple booked for events. I can't do them all, it is just too much for me.

Well, I'd better close for today. I don't know if I'll get to blog tomorrow, but I hope you have a great day! Go to church and thank God for all your blessings! H love to see you!

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