OK... I have the pattern, the fabric and the supplies needed, now I'll take the time tomorrow to get busy on my Paint Chip Guild Challenge by hosting a personal retreat for ME! I even went to Joanne's today and got the fusible & batting I needed for this project. So, tomorrow, I am not answering the phone or the door! I should be able to get the top together and do (or at least start) the blanket stitch by machine. Then, once that is done, all I'll have to do is a folky-type hand-quilting around everything, and do the binding.

Sunday, the guild will be putting a display booth of our quilt projects together at the local fair that officially starts on Monday. I'll have to take a picture when we are done and post it in a blog in the next couple of days. I am not sure who all are displaying their things for the week, but, I am sure we will have a lot to show!

We did the grocery shopping today. The first I did that I think all summer. Sure, we went and got milk, bread and cereal as needed. But, I know I could not tell you when the last time was that I actually took my grocery list.

OK... enough rambling. I'm going to go get a cup of hot tea and g
Wow... I want to quilt, but can't seem to get in the mood right now. I am undecided on a project that is due in a couple of weeks for the guild challenge. I have been looking for a pattern... but, none seem to jump up and say, 'MAKE ME!" I will be making a trip to the Quilt Shop in the morning to pick out some more fabrics, adding to the 2 I already have. I need a background, another green, and some golds. I'll probably find some more fabrics, too, in FQ's... I have an idea on what I want to make... maybe I should just draw it on my own and quit racking my brains on trying to pick a creation/pattern from someone else! I want to make a wall hanging, and use the red I have, as a border. The 2 fabrics I have are Pat Sloan's, from a couple of years back. I am hoping I can find fabrics to match. I should go to www.quiltshops.com and do some searching for the other fabrics in this line. That would make it a lot easier! Why do it the hard way?

I have been trying to learn typing... I do pretty good in looking at the keyboard & doing the search & peck method, but, would like to learn how to do it the right way. I never took typing in school, because of my crippled hand. I knew I'd never be able to do it correctly with my right hand, at least not good enough to suit any typing teacher! I would've had bloody knuckles, for sure! But, I am doing my best with the Mavis Beacon CD, and am actually learning to memorize where the keys are, and typing without looking at the keyboard. Though, as I am typing right now... I have reverted to my old way... it's faster for me. But, that is one habit I will have to eventually break!

OK... going to go for now. I am going to try & focus on my upcoming quilt project, and get a pattern together!

Have a great day!

... For canning!! I am canning green beans today... one of my favorite vegetables to eat, but the one I least like to can. But, they'll taste good this winter, so that will be good enough for me! I got 2 batches, 7 pints in the first batch which is done & sealed, and 6 pints in the second batch, which I am waiting for it to start boiling. I'll be up to midnight until it's done. I have binding on placemats waiting to be hand-stitched down, so, I'll be able to do that tonight while I am waiting for the canning to be completed.

With this rain & warmer temps (finally), our squash is coming on like crazy. I need to find out how to can that. We have had so many that I have been giving some away, and we have been cooking some almost every night. We love squash, but may get tired of it quickly if we keep that up!

What I am waiting for, is corn on the cob!! That is my absolute favorite! We do not grow it in our garden. We buy it from a local farmer. We will get our fill in August when we have our annual Weiner Roast/Corn Boil. That is a grand event for us. We invite everybody! It's a great way that we can all get together as family & friends, and enjoy some good clean fun and visiting.

I'm going to go for now. I think I'll go watch some TV & sew a little. The beans are now boiling. They'll be done shortly before 11 PM.

Sorry, I've been out of touch a little here... but, with this URI (Upper Respiratory Infection)... truthfully, it has knocked the spit right out of me! I did finally get my voice back at the end of last week,  just in time to call my medical doctor for an antibiotic to kick this out of me! I spent the day on the couch sleeping on Sunday... very unusual for me!

I did have to go out of town for a couple of days (left Thursday & back Friday)... Dennis graduated Seminary! YIPPEE SKIPPY!! There was no way I was missing that! He is so happy to be finished with that part of it. He is intending to go on with his studies at a local college next year. He will eventually need to return to Seminary, but not for a while. He really crammed with his homework & schoolwork while he was there  ( one month) ... he is totally exhausted! He has been sleeping quite a bit, too, trying to catch up on those all-nighters at school!

I entered 3 items in the local fair that will start on Monday. I didn't get my row quilt finished as I had intended to do (I mentioned it before in my blog)... hey, there's always next year, right! I have entered a wall hanging, a table runner & a quilt. I was interviewed by the local paper recently, and the story was in tonight's paper. Now, does that make me a celebrity? Not really! I am not interested in that! The article was about quilting & entering things in the upcoming fair. The person who interviewed me did a great job. I am pleased.

Well, I'm going to close for now. I need a cup of hot tea and will watch a bit of TV downstairs until I go to bed. Since Dennis went to bed early, I can't go up to bed & watch TV there, which is what I usually do, till I fall asleep. I always put the TV & VCR on the timer, so it shuts itself off. The convenience of technology!

My voice comes & goes at present, maybe tomorrow, it'll be back for good. I can only hope!

Today, I spent time at a friends house, going over my entries for the upcoming county fair. I wanted to be sure to get them in the right categories. She works the needlecraft booth at the fair, so I was going to the right source. I have 3 items I am entering. Keep your fingers crossed! I could add more, but since I will be unavailable on Thursday & Friday, and Friday is the deadline, I will stop at the three. There is always next year!

I do need to get busy on the guild challenge. It is to be done... as in completely finished, by Tuesday, August 11th! And, I need more fabrics, and a pattern... I am down to the wire on this! But, I have been there before, and will be again! But, I hate being rushed, and it's my own fault. I am thinking about doing a wall hanging. Some of my best things are done during crunch time.

I was interviewed by the local newspaper at the beginning of July regarding entering items in the fair. Not that I am an expert... I had only ever entered one quilt last year! But, I am anxious to see the story. It should run in the next week. I hope I didn't say anything stupid!!

OK... I'm off top bed now. It's late for me!


It has been a while since I have had this happen to me, but, here we go again... no speaking for me!! And, DH isn't around to enjoy it. I was setting outside (Yard Sale) in the wind and cooler temps on Saturday for several hours and I guess it got the best of me, because by suppertime, no voice. I even sat in the sun and had a sweatshirt on. I will survive. The bug or whatever it is, will work it's way out. I really don't have a cold or a sore throat... Oh well! It was rather difficult yesterday. We had a family reunion, and I was in charge! But, my daughter, cousin and other family members stepped up to help me out. Thanks ALL!

The yard sale Saturday was a bust... I might have made $20, and none of my quilted things sold. Everybody liked them, no one bought them. But, with the yard sale items I had they went cheap, and now I have $20 I didn't have before, and less stuff! That's a plus. The rest will be taken and donated.

OK... I'm off to bed. It's going on 10 PM. Have pleasant dreams all!


On Wednesday, I had a personal retreat of my own. I did 2 sets of placemats that were in progress, a RWB table runner that was in progress, packaged up the Mug Rugs (coasters), and started 2 fall table runners. I also found & finished a small fall wall hanging. All these items will be offered for sale this weekend (tomorrow actually!). The community in which we live, are having a Community Yard Sale, meaning, we are all having yard sales at the same day/time, to attract many people to the area at once. Our church next door have been organizing this for about 4 years now, but, they [the church] have always had a yard sale to raise money for the parsonage fund, but have done it alone. Anyway, it is nice to see paople walking the streets again, visiting with each other as they stop or pass by, etc... I set last night while watching a movie, and hand-stitched the bindings on the placemats, and RWB table runner. I still have the binding for the other set of place mats to go. The fall tablerunners I am doing, will not need binding, as I am doing the turning method on those... much easier and less time consuming. Though, I will be doing a running embroidery stitch along the edge on those. I will be going to pick up Cody here in a bit. He had asked that I pick him up BEFORE his naptime, so I will be in the sewing room while he naps this afternoon. Maybe, I'll get some fall Mug Rugs done!!

Updating on my parents home... the house is sold... at least the sale agreement has been signed and the financing has been approved. Now, we are at the time where we wait on the paperwork, etc... We are in the process of cleaning now, and getting out the remaining things that didn't sale at the estate sales. But, all in all, it should be completely finished [the cleaning part], within the next week. I will be celebrating when it is all said & done! Well, in a relieved sort of way, not that the house & property will be sold to others. But, it is a great-nephew of my Pop's, that is buying the house, so, in a way it will remain in the family, which is good. They are happy and excited about moving there, so I am happy for them! It will be great knowing the house will be filled with much love & happiness with the new owners. They have twin girls at about 2-1/2 years old. A lot will be happening in this house from now on!

We are having a family reunion this Sunday... my paternal grandmothers side... and I really love attending this one. A cousin has done the family history, to way, way back, and put it into a book. The book was published in 1991, so there is a lot of new information that we need to catch up on. I am interested in doing this. I need to get with Cousin Melvin, to find out how to proceed on this, and get it written down. I am very excited about doing this! We had a reunion last Saturday (Dennis' mothers' side), and one next Saturday, (Dennis' fathers' side). Then no more reunions this year for us. We will be having our annual Corn boil/Wiener Roast in August. I will be combining Dennis' Graduation Party with that. We have had as little as 60 people there, and up to a touch over a hundred. Lots of people, lots of good clean fun... and MEGA lots of food!!

I'm going to close for now. I must get dressed (it's 8:30 AM), and go get Cody. I also have errands to run while in town. Have a great day everyone!!

God Bless!


Well, needless to say, I did not get to my sewing room today to start on my planned retreat... Family issues came about over the weekend that had to be dealt with today, along with needed errands, banking, etc... TOMORROW IS MINE!!!!!! Just me & my machine. I don't even think I'll answer the phone! It's only a distraction anyway! I'll screen the calls on the caller ID. Wednesday, I have 2 doctors appointments, and then I will also be working a little at my parents house, boxing up the leftover items. Hopefully, I can get some sewing done that evening, Thursday and Friday.

The weather here is finally getting summer-like. But, the nights are chilling off lower than normal for this time of year. I was actually setting outside talking with my Pop tonight, and started shivering after the sun went down (about 8 to 8:30PM). Not normal for July.

Well, I'm going to make a cup of tea and head upstairs to bed. And dream of all the fabric and patterns for tomorrow's sewing event!!!



Well, I survived the week of Bible School! And, I even got to my sewing room a little yesterday afternoon while Cody was napping. I am working on Patriotic Placemats. I will be making a lot of stuff this coming week, because I will be participating in the upcoming Community Yard Sale. So, I am selling my quilting goodies! I want lots to display! I have also made mug rugs (coasters) in sets of 4. These are very simple to make. I want to get some things done in the fall themes, too. I have my work cut out for me for the next week!

My parents house has a buyer! The sale agreement was signed the other night! YIPPEE!! It's almost over. Now, we need to get out there and get the rest of the stuff that didn't go in the estate sales, out of there! Then, clean the house... I will be calling in every pairs of hands I can find for this endeavor!

Well, Cody is watching a movie at present while I am doing odds and ends, laundry, checking emails, posting on my blog, etc... He's pretty engrossed with Sleeping Beauty! So, I'd better get back to my boy! This is our quiet part of the morning, before breakfast.

Have a great day!


Wednesday is Hump Day... meaning it's the middle of the work week and now we are on the down side... but, I do not have a job anymore... but, I am still celebrating. This week is Bible School, and I am the Craft Coordinator. Don't get me wrong... I love the kids... BUT...

We have been about a week now, without rain... YIPPEE! And, I actually took some time tonight to do some very needed weeding in the vegetable garden. For some reason, a row of my beets are not doing well at all. It's a good thing that I canned a bunch last year because it doesn't look like I'll be getting many this year. The green beans are blooming. I noticed that the Japanese Beetles have arrived... I need to get the traps out tomorrow for them. They are so destructive. My onions are doing great... so are the tomatoes, squash and my sunflower plants. I can't wait to be able to eat fresh produce from the garden. M-M-Good!

Well, I'm going to go take a nice hot bath and get ready for bed. I need to take some time afterward to work on the crafts for tomorrows Bible School lesson. Tonight, I am just not in the mood, so I'll have to force myself.

I am planning another personal retreat for the next week and a half. I am not doing anything but sew!! This retreat will begin on Monday afternoon. Can't wait!

Goodnight All!