Even though the calendar says it is Spring... it doesn't always mean that 'Mother Nature' is on the same page! But, this is March... the last day, to be exact, and this is the weather that is expected. But, I am so looking forward to the flowers and the warmer days. Spring Fever has a good hold on me!

Today, I made a new purse. I really like it. Making something for the first time is always slow. But, I did enjoy the process. And, I am proud of myself... I did a zipper! I have never made anything with a zipper before. I do want to make several purses using the same pattern using other fabrics... but that can wait for a few weeks. I am happy that I finally did something for me. I also started a table runner for the church bazaar. which is Saturday. I made some book markers, too.  I will not be here for the bazaar, I'll be sad to miss it. I do enjoy going and visiting with the others from the church.

Brooke is doing great, though she continues to have issues with the antibodies. I am not sure what route they will proceed for this, because she is having allergic reactions to the plasmapheresis.

Well, I am going to close for the night and get to bed. I will post pictures in my gallery (not tonight) of the purse, and of the baby quilt I made for my great-niece that is due at the end of April. Her name will be Myleigh Irene.


Hump day used to be significant to me when I worked full-time. I always looked forward to Wednesday, because the week was half over, and we were on the downside till FRIDAY and the weekend! Now, this week, I am using that term, because I am in the process of making a baby quilt for a baby shower on Sunday! So, Wednesday, puts that issue in a different prospective. Meaning, I had better get cracking, because I only have 3 days to complete this thing! The majority of the top is finished. I have about 3 or 4 rows to add, then the binding. I will be tacking it with the machine. I do not like to have strings from tying it for baby quilts. I always worry that the baby will chew on the strings and choke.  But, I am hoping to have it completed by the shower on Sunday! It would be real nice to have it done on Saturday! Then I can relax a bit before going to the festivities!

An update on Brooke, is that she is progressing well. Though, she did give everyone a bit of a scare when she was having her plasmapheresis done yesterday. She had a bad allergic reaction to the treatment. But, the doctors stopped the treatment & gave her Benadryl & steroids, and all things are well again. Today, she will have her first heart biopsy. The rejection results should be back by Thursday afternoon. Say a prayer that all will be well. The anticipated time of her actually getting to come home will be in May. Maybe, she'll even make it home before her birthday on May 15th. 

Well, I'm closing for now. I'll be back again soon.

Here is Brooke, listening to her new heart!


Brooke is doing extremely well with her recovery. Her health is progressing well. They have even kicked her out of Cardiac ICU and put her back on the regular cardiac floor.  That is a step in the right direction. I am not sure of the time line that she must remain in the hospital post-transplant, but, she is more comfortable in this room, and that will help.

Cody went home yesterday afternoon about 3 to 4 PM... after that, I crashed on the couch to watch some movies and to rest my back. My intention was to rest a bit and then go to the sewing room. Needless to say, the only thing I saw was the back side of my eyelids! I guess Cody me out more than I thought! But, here I am awake at 4 AM, though I am still yawning & tired. I am waiting for my hot tea to finish while I type here. After I have  a cup, I am going to try to go back to sleep for a while. I wonder if there is anything on TV besides info-mercials at this time of the day?

When I do decide to wake up... I have to run the fabric for the baby quilt (must be finished by next Sunday) through the rinse cycle and dryer, then press it. Then, I must get busy on the cutting & sewing! It will be a Drunkard Path variation. I can't wait to see it finished. It looks beautiful on my design plan on EQ5.  I'll start the process after church today!

Well, tea is done. Going to close for now. Hopefully, I can catch a few more Z's, too!


Brooke had a good first night post-op. And, they were able to take Brooke off the ventilator this morning around 11 AM. She is doing well.

Thanks to all for your prayers!

I had a few errands to do today, so I was unable to be lazy & catch up on some much needed sleep. Therefore, I am headed to bed now, even though it is quite early. Tomorrow Cody is coming in the morning, so I need to be ready!


PS... I need to sew, which I haven't been able to get to lately, maybe Saturday, late afternoon, after Cody goes home. I have a baby quilt to do for a shower next Sunday... the pressure is on!


This is an email update I sent to family & friends this afternoon. It was easier to copy & paste, rather than type it all over again here on my blog! Besides, I am tired and I need a shower ;-)

Hello All,

Most of you already know... (some of you... I missed as I typed in a big hurry yesterday as we were running out the door)...

Brooke went to surgery this morning, 3-18-09, at 5 AM, for her second heart transplant. She returned to her room shortly before noon. Everything went perfectly. She is doing well. She will remain somewhat sedated, as she is on the ventilator and is in the CICU (Cardiac ICU). They will start to wean her off of the vent tomorrow morning. Pray that that process goes smoothly. The doctors are anticipating a smooth process of removing her from the vent tomorrow, getting Brooke out of bed & walking tomorrow afternoon/evening, and back to the regular floor by the weekend. This is the ultimate plan... but remember, Brooke has never once followed the textbook yet! She tends to do things a bit differently, with surprises along the way!

We went down last evening and remained until approx. 1:30 PM today, then drove home. We did see her last night, but we did not go in to see her today as she has no immune system defenses right now, and it is best that only Mom, Dad & Brothers got in today. They were allowed to go in to look at her, but was not allowed to talk to her or touch her. Brooke knew they were there, because when Michelle first went in, she touched her & talked to her (then was quickly and firmly reprimanded by the nurse!), but, when Michelle did that, Brooke's blood pressure spiked up and the alarms started going off. So, she knew Michelle was there, even through the sedation. When Michelle stopped touching & talking, Brooke's BP calmed again. Of course, Brooke needs her rest, and they don't want her BP to spike, so that is why the restriction is in place.

I will keep you posted as best as I can... I doubt that Michelle will be able to update much on Brooke's website, because the computer is not with her right now. I doubt that she'll get to it tonight, as we all have been awake (a couple of cat naps here & there) since yesterday morning. Michelle & Rick (Brooke's parents) are exhausted. Donna & Don (Gram, who is my sister, and Pap) will be staying near the hospital the rest of the week, and probably  the weekend.

The heart came from Illinois... that's all we were told about it, besides that it was flown in by a Lear jet. And, there was a space of time that Brooke was in surgery, with her heart removed and she was on the bypass machine, even before the heart arrived at the hospital. When we heard that... it gave us all a start... then we immediately started to pray that nothing happened to the jet or the helicopter that was to bring the heart to the hospital from the airport... The doctors had faith... we had to find ours in a hurry!

All I can say is GOD IS GOOD! and GOD WAS THERE with Brooke, the doctors & the surgical team, at all times! The doctor said everything went perfectly. There is not a doubt in my mind that God's hand was in it all! From the time that the doctors said she needed a new heart and put her on the 2B transplant list, through the time that she got severely sick and had to be hospitalized which moved her to the 1 A  list (the top of the transplant list)... and through yesterday & today's events... and God will continue to see her through the recovery, as well. God's Will be done! But, your continued prayers on her behalf, wouldn't hurt at all. But, make them prayers of Thanksgiving! And, please, by no means, forget the family of the donor. That families hearts are broken and grieving. And, they need God's hand, God's guidance & God's comfort through this difficult time, also. They need our prayers, too!

Check back with me about Brooke... I don't want to forget anyone... but, I know that I'll miss punching in someone's name with these bulk emails I send.


I am a happy girl... I sat outside on my glider this morning and had my cup of tea. Yeah, it was a little on the cool side, even the girls (my 2 miniature dachshunds) were shivering a bit, but they are wimps anyway! They like to be warm. It was cool, not cold... there is a difference! I was watching these 'speed demons' race by my house, even though the speed limit is like 25 MPH. If I had a radar gun and a badge, I'd be rich! Anyway, getting back to my morning retreat... I was watching all the Robins in my neighbors' yards. They are so busy digging for worms. There is a lot of singing from the birds, as well. Spring is on the way! I am so happy about that.

Today, we must make a trip to State College for the church, and to go to Sam's Club. Then, I hope to come home, rest my back a bit, then maybe get to the sewing room for a spell. I haven't been sewing for what seems like forever, even though it may have been less than a week. I have to add borders to Mom's quilt, and put the blocks into rows, and add a border for Pop's. I haven't touched my UFO Row Quilt for months! I need to do that when I am done with these other 2 quilts. Actually, my UFO's didn't get done as I wanted them to in January & February... my little sewing elves must have went on vacation or on strike! My UFO pile is the same!

Brooke is still waiting for her heart transplant... her RSV virus is gone now... so she is set to go when they get the word. She has had many visitors, cards, gifts, etc, since she has been 'confined' to the hospital. She has been playing lots of Uno card games as well as the Sorry board game, with all her visitors. She is getting pretty good at both!

Cody & Jennifer came to stay Friday night. Jennifer & I are working on a Baby Shower gift for my niece, Gina, (Jennifer's cousin) that is due in late April. The shower is at the end of March. I am still collecting fabric for the baby quilt... I have one to go. I want to get that today, while in our travels over the mountain. Gina & Kirk has already seen the quilt design on paper that I did on my EQ5, but she would like to have the quilt at her shower to 'show it off', she says. I will work at getting the top done, if not have it finished by the end of March. I have 2 weeks from yesterday... I should be fine to get it completly done. But, my UFO that I mentioned previously, will be put aside once again! Oh well... the baby is top priority!

Going to close for now. I hope you all have lots of sunshine and warm temps today! Enjoy it! Spring is near! (And, I am doing my Snoopy Happy Dance!)


Though it is a little cloudy & overcast here in PA... yesterday, the sunshine was beautiful! Dennis did get some of the yard raked, I filled the bird feeders and checked out my flower beds. The Tulips, Grape Hyacinths, and Daffodils are coming up nicely. Even the buds on the Lilac Bush are ready to pop open! Spring is near... YIPPEE! I am so ready to be outside. I do hope we do not get a heavy frost, though, that is always possible at this time of year. But, I will remain hopeful that the winter weather is gone for good! Let's break out the capri's & short sleeved shirts!

My niece, Brooke, is still ready & waiting for her new heart. The heart medicine that they are giving her is doing it's job, and her present heart is functioning better. That is good. We went to visit last Wednesday, and had a great time playing Uno... she is an Uno card shark! She loves that game! She is getting many cards and gifts in the mail. Her Gram already had to bring several bags of things home... the hospital room is only so big! She did receive a beautiful quilt from a previous Pastor from her home church, and she loves it. DKeep her in your prayers.

Well, I guess I had better get off of here. I need to bake some pies for the church dinner today. And, I am making Macaroni & Cheese, too. So, no more dawdling on the computer... it's time to get busy and go get dressed for church. I'll catch up later! Hopefully, I will get better at keeping my blog up-to-date! Sorry to have been slacking these past few weeks.


It is hard to believe it is Wednesday already. Time sure is going quickly!

I am liking the longer daylight now... Spring is coming! The tulips are up about 4  to 5 inches. I can see buds getting ready to burst open on the Lilac bush... all good signs that Spring is just around the corner! I have begun to put out Easter decorations (quilted wall hangings) in the house. It helps to brighten things up.

My sewing has come to a stand still right now. But, I did get into the sewing room for a short time today and put a block together. I am hoping to get some more sewing done on Mom & Pop's quilts this Saturday afternoon, if not before.

My niece, Brooke, remains in the hospital, waiting for her second heart transplant. She is in good spirits, but is bummed about being confined to the hospital floor. She wants to go to the gift shop, etc., but with her IV's, she is not allowed to leave the floor or wing, where she is. We are going to visit her tomorrow. I am sure she'll want to challenge us to a game of Uno. She loves that game, and has been playing it for years now. She enjoys slamming down those Draw 2 & Draw 4 cards on her opponents! I want to thank everybody for their prayers on her behalf, and ask that you continue.  I'll post a picture of Brooke below. She is a huge Steeler fan, especially Troy Palamalu, (I hope I spelled that right!)

We celebrated Dennis' birthday over the weekend and had a great time with a church full of family, then a house full for lunch, cake & ice cream. I was ready for a family get-together, and the day turned out well. I was pleased. Dennis enjoyed it, as well.

OK... I'm going to close for now. Have a great day!


Whatever happened to this week? Sorry, I haven't posted, but, I guess I was busy with other things... well, we'll say that, so you folks do not think I am lazy and forgetful ;-)

Brooke is doing OK... still waiting for the transplant. But, they have her on several medications, and adding more... poor thing. I am sure she feels like a pincushion by now. Her Mom did get Brooke's hair washed a few days ago, so I am sure that helped Brooke to feel a bit better. Her appetite has returned. They were threatening a feeding tube for her. Thank God, they did not have to do it. So, it's a waiting game right now.

I went to the quilt shop today, to get fabric for the borders of Mom & Pop's quilts. Now, I just have to get busy! One top is sewn together, the other is laying on the design floor. I do need to sew that one, as my cleaning lady is coming tomorrow. She was to come earlier this week, but I moved her to Saturday. The guys were working in the downstairs bathroom here at the parsonage. I didn't think it would be smart to pay someone to clean, when 3 guys would be running through the house. And, believe me, guys working on a project, DO NOT take off their shoes! I'm not complaining... I'm stating facts!

Dennis' birthday is tomorrow... the big 50!! I'm not going to rub it in, because I hit the 50 thing 4 months ago! He never lets me forget about that. It's only another day!

Have a great night! I'm off to dreamland!


Good Monday Morning to all of you who are blog reading! Today, is a cold day here in PA... and we did not get any of that snow that went up the east coast. Though, I have been waiting all winter for the 'big snowstorm', now that March has arrived, all I want to see is sunshine, new growth of trees & flowers and feel warmer weather! Yup, the Spring Fever has set in!

Brooke is patiently waiting, (maybe impatiently as any 14 year old would be cooped up in a hospital room!), for her heart surgery to come. But, so far, she is stabilized, if you can call it that, and remains in good spirits. That is a blessing. They have moved her to a private room, and the walls are filling up fast with all the cards she is getting! Thanks to all for your prayers.

Last week, we began painting the kitchen.  I am so happy to see COLOR on the walls! I will be going out to find fabric for new curtains when the painting is done. This morning, the demo crew came and are re-doing the downstairs bathroom. They are insulating the walls because the water pipes are freezing INSIDE the bathroom. There is even a large hot water radiator in that small bathroom that does not help at all when the wind is cold & blowing! Too many holes in this old house! I am hoping that all the house gets back in order as I am having a birthday party for Dennis on Sunday, and the entire family will be here. My cleaning lady will be here on Wednesday, that will be a great help getting things back in order! I just love having someone to help out! I will gladly pay as I cannot do it myself with my back condition. It is a medical necessity for me!

With all the activities I stated above going on, my sewing has slacked off. But, I am happy to say that I have all the blocks done for one of My Mom & Pop's new bed quilts, and laid out on the design floor. I'll post the picture below. Now, I need to work on sewing the blocks into rows, then sew the rows into the flimsy, (I love that new word! Much better than just saying a quilt top), and add a border. Then, on to #2. The blocks just need to be finished, then I can get them on the design floor, too! I might just have enough blocks left over to do a charity quilt, too!

OK... I'm going to close for now. I hope you all have a great day!

Keep those sewing machines humming!