Even though the calendar says it is Spring... it doesn't always mean that 'Mother Nature' is on the same page! But, this is March... the last day, to be exact, and this is the weather that is expected. But, I am so looking forward to the flowers and the warmer days. Spring Fever has a good hold on me!

Today, I made a new purse. I really like it. Making something for the first time is always slow. But, I did enjoy the process. And, I am proud of myself... I did a zipper! I have never made anything with a zipper before. I do want to make several purses using the same pattern using other fabrics... but that can wait for a few weeks. I am happy that I finally did something for me. I also started a table runner for the church bazaar. which is Saturday. I made some book markers, too.  I will not be here for the bazaar, I'll be sad to miss it. I do enjoy going and visiting with the others from the church.

Brooke is doing great, though she continues to have issues with the antibodies. I am not sure what route they will proceed for this, because she is having allergic reactions to the plasmapheresis.

Well, I am going to close for the night and get to bed. I will post pictures in my gallery (not tonight) of the purse, and of the baby quilt I made for my great-niece that is due at the end of April. Her name will be Myleigh Irene.

9/30/2012 07:33:48 pm



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