Good Monday morning to all... I am getting ready to go to town to do the banking & errands. Not my idea of fun, but, its a 'gotta do' thing. But, when I return, I want to sew some more, and do some baking. I never have gotten to doing those cookies yet :-(
 I was surprised that we had no Christmas visitors over the weekend. It's probably a good thing, because of the cookie situation! HeeHee.  Maybe they are waiting for the fresh baked cookies!

The weather here today is a bit on the chilly side... more seasonal temps. Though, I haven't even checked to see what the atemp is outside. The sun is shining brightly. Looks rather deceiving. Like it should be 70 degrees instead of 30. I am still waiting for the BIG SNOWSTORM, though. I won't give up on that till about March 1st. If it doesn't come by then, we can just go on to Spring and forget it.

Well, I am not getting anything accomplished setting here typing, so I'll close for now.

Have a great Monday!


Christmas Day was a good day. Very relaxed and enjoyable. Yesterday, we had to go to the store to pick up a few things, but no 'after Christmas' shopping for us. I absolutely detest Black Friday, so I don't do the 'post Christmas' thing either. Today, I think I'll try to do some baking of Christmas cookies. The cookies I had baked before went to the Church Christmas functions, so now I have none for any company. Oh well, the cookies will be fresher this way!

I do want to get to my sewing room at some point. I have been trying to re-organize and de-clutter. I actually threw out 2 bags of scraps, that have been in there for many years, because "I could use them maybe someday" to make something else. And, all the cut 5- 6 inch blocks that were given to me by a person whose mother had quilted, (and she has been dead for about 25  + years now), have went to the trash as well.  That fabric was of poor quality and old anyway. I don't know why I kept them in the first place. But, I can see most of the sewing room floor now, and that gives me some comfort. I want to go up and start cutting up the fabric, and sorting it into projects to make. Am I making it worse? We'll see in December 2009. 

Going to close for now. Nothing is getting started or completeed as long as I am setting here at the computer!

Have a great day!


Oh my gosh!! Does time fly! I have packages to wrap, cookies to bake, and I haven't even started to shop for Dennis! Can I put in for an extension for Christmas?? You've heard of Christmas in July, haven't you?

Having time with Cody was wonderful, as usual. I do so enjoy having him here. Last night, he didn't want to go home, until we convinced him that his Mom & Dad missed him terribly, and wanted to see him. When we got to the house, Cody was happy to see his Mom & Dad, too... with big hugs and huge smiles! Moses, Cody's black lab puppy, whom Cody refers to as a horse, got into the action.  We did not stay but a few minutes. We had other errands to run... you know the saying, things to do, people to see. Yep... that has been keeping us busy these days. No wonder I am not ready for Christmas :-|

I hope to get into the sewing room soon! I am in need of making and finishing some project, any project!! I have several in the near finished mode, which I have put down for one reason or another, and have not had the time or inclination to pick it back up.  I want to get into the sewing room and clear it out, literally, and re-organize. That means, everything goes out of the sewing room, into the hallway, and brought back in with some sort of method. That is my plan anyway. I have been reading a lot on the site. About the organizing and 'stash busting' parts. A lot of my fabric will be cut into the 2- 1/2 inch strips. Just for scrap quilts. That should do away with a lot of it. I have an easy pattern to make charity quilts, so that is where a lot of my stash fabric will be going. There are a lot of patterns out there right now for 2-1/2 inch strips (jelly rolls). So, I'll have other choices when the need arises. The site mentioned above, has lots of patterns for scrappies, and they are FREE! That works for me!!

Gonna close for now. I must get ready to run to the bank when they open.

Merry Christmas to ALL...

P.S... All you folks that have snow, and lots of it... send some our way! I'm waiting for the big snowstorm!





I want to wish my 'baby' brother a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


It is snowing, a nice fine snow. This makes for a white, beautiful coating on everything. It also makes the roads a little dangerous for those who haven't yet adapted to driving slower in these winter months. But, it sure was nice, setting here in my rocking chair, with a nice hot cup of tea in my hands, and watching the white blanket fall, outside the window. I do love the snow.

The kids are having their Christmas program at church this morning. Cody is coming to be a shepherd. I hope he follows the other kids and doesn't get scared. All the kids do a great job, whether they make a fuss or not. Then, we will go to the Church Social Room for some food and a 'guest visitor'. I am sure the kids, (and we adults), will have a great time! Cody will be staying overnight tonight. I am so looking forward to that! I miss 'my boy', though, I say that all the time!

I did make it into my sewing room for a little time last evening. I have been working on snowmen stitcheries. I made three of them for this particular project. I found some snowmen fabric at a local quilt shop, to use as sashing and a border, and constructed a table runner. I have yet to put the binding on... maybe this morning... but, I will put a picture in my gallery page for you to see when it is finished. I know there are many sewing projects that I wanted to have done before Christmas, and if I think about it, there were many projects that I wanted done before Thanksgiving... oh well, these special days will come again in 2009. I'll give it another shot in the spring to have them done before the fall & winter... I hope, I hope!!! I have set my sewing sites on Valentine's Day now. I have a few other stitchery patterns that I want to do. Again, I will make them into a table runner. I would like to try and sell these. I would also like to keep one for myself. Somehow, that does not always happen.

Well, I'll close for now. I pray for all of your safety, while driving in this weather if you need to. Otherwise, just have a seat in the warmth of your home and watch  the beauty of God's creation put on a show for you! It will be spectacular!


No, I am not completely finished. I have to shop for Dennis yet.  He hasn't shopped for me yet either. So, if we don't get back to it, that will be fine for both of us.  Now, if I can get to the cookies...

The weather here was a bit nasty overnight last night. Rain, ice, snow. But, we need the moisture. I am still waiting for the big snow storm. Wouldn't it be nice to get it for Christmas?

I haven't had the time to get into my sewing room since Sunday. This is driving me nuts! Tomorrow I have a morning meeting, that will probably take a while, and I have to do the church bulletins at some point. So, I won't plan on getting to the sewing room tomorrow, then maybe, just maybe, it'll happen!

It's late, so I'm turning in now.

Goodnight to all!


Below, are the 2 latest quilts I have finished and will donate to the local cancer center. The nurses hand them out to the patients who receive treatment there.  These lap quilts are made from leftover quilt blocks from other quilt projects I have done in the past year or so. See, all 'leftovers' aren't bad!

I can not believe there is only 11 days till Christmas! I had better get busy to finish up what I need to... which includes a little bit of shopping and baking. The house is already decorated. I do that early. I love the Christmas season, so my decorations (Christmas tree) will stay up well into January! Though, I decorate mostly with snowmen, instead of Santa's, so they stay out until I decorate for Easter & Spring.

Gotta go for now... time to get ready for church!



And, am I ready? NOT!!! The house is decorated, some cookies are baked, but the shopping is lacking! I even started shopping early, but then that fizzled out somewhere around October... you know how it goes. I usually have my Christmas Cards ready to mail on Black Friday, but I am even behind on that. The Christmas cards and Christmas stamps are bought, and that's as far as it goes... Oh well, it happens to the best of us!

We got lots of rain today, which we needed terribly.  Of course, when it rains when the temperature is close to freezing, you get rain/ice, and after the sun goes down, you get ice/snow. The state trucks are making their rounds on the roads tonight. With the house only being about 15 feet from the street, it sounds like they are going to come right through the house. But, I know it is necessary.  But, I sure miss my house in the country!

Tomorrow, I have the day to sew. I am trying to get some charity quilts done. I am making them from leftover blocks from other quilts that I have made. It will help clear out my sewing room... a tiny bit. But, hopefully all these tiny bits will add up to a real impact on getting my sewing room under control! I need the people from HGTV... you remember the show 'Mission Organization'? Though, if they would see my sewing room, they'd probably say it is 'Mission Impossible'! I have other projects that I'd like to get done, too. But, right now, I feel like I am spinning my wheels and getting no where. When I am sewing, I keep getting interupted... which just irritates me terribly because, I usually have to leave what I am doing, to do something else. I think I'll claim Friday as 'MY DAY OFF!!!" from everything but sewing & resting!

We will be going to a Christmas Program tomorrow evening. I am looking forward to it. We will not have Cody this weekend... I'll be on Cody withdrawal again. When we have had him almost every week since birth, it is strange to not have him around. I'll miss 'my boy'.

I'll close for now. Goodnight to ALL!


That is... one of those nights that I can't sleep! Though, I am dead tired, my back won't let me get to sleep. It is going on 1 AM now. I think I'll go make a cup of tea and see if that helps me relax. I have checked my emails, and caught up on that. If Dennis wasn't upstairs sleeping, I could've went and did a little sewing. Though, being as tired as I am, that could've been dangerous for my fingers! YIKES! Oh well... I'll get to sleep eventually. Probably when I just fall over from exhaustion! I wonder what is on TV at this hour? I'll probably check that out, too.

Christmas is coming fast. I was doing good about 4 months ago, when I was actually buying a couple of gifts... but I have since come to a dead stop! A lady told me today at the store during a conversation, 'only 3 weeks till Christmas', and reality hit me just like (V-8) TV commercials when someone hits you on the forehead! I can't believe that Christmas is coming so fast! I had better get busy. I don't have a clue what to get Dennis. I don't even have any ideas on what he could get for me, either. Aren't we a pair this year?

Tomorrow (or should I say today), we are hosting the 'Christmas/Parsonage Open House. Dennis and I prepared all the food for it. But, my tree is still setting naked in the living room! Totes are allover, decorations are setting on the floor. I hope I'm ready by 2 PM!

Okay... tea time!


You'll have to read the comment on 'Gearing up for Christmas' to understand this title... to answer your question Peanut... YES! What season/style do you want? teehee!

Cody & I did have a grand time together on vacation! No, we didn't go anywhere really, except to the mall, we rode the little train and took Cody to see Santa. But, he wouldn't set on Santa's lap for a picture. That's OK, there is always next time.  When Cody is here, everything else gets put on hold. NOTHING is more important than 'my boy'!!! Housework, dishes, etc, all trivial, needless things.  I love it!

Well, I'm going to bed! It has been a long day.