It is snowing, a nice fine snow. This makes for a white, beautiful coating on everything. It also makes the roads a little dangerous for those who haven't yet adapted to driving slower in these winter months. But, it sure was nice, setting here in my rocking chair, with a nice hot cup of tea in my hands, and watching the white blanket fall, outside the window. I do love the snow.

The kids are having their Christmas program at church this morning. Cody is coming to be a shepherd. I hope he follows the other kids and doesn't get scared. All the kids do a great job, whether they make a fuss or not. Then, we will go to the Church Social Room for some food and a 'guest visitor'. I am sure the kids, (and we adults), will have a great time! Cody will be staying overnight tonight. I am so looking forward to that! I miss 'my boy', though, I say that all the time!

I did make it into my sewing room for a little time last evening. I have been working on snowmen stitcheries. I made three of them for this particular project. I found some snowmen fabric at a local quilt shop, to use as sashing and a border, and constructed a table runner. I have yet to put the binding on... maybe this morning... but, I will put a picture in my gallery page for you to see when it is finished. I know there are many sewing projects that I wanted to have done before Christmas, and if I think about it, there were many projects that I wanted done before Thanksgiving... oh well, these special days will come again in 2009. I'll give it another shot in the spring to have them done before the fall & winter... I hope, I hope!!! I have set my sewing sites on Valentine's Day now. I have a few other stitchery patterns that I want to do. Again, I will make them into a table runner. I would like to try and sell these. I would also like to keep one for myself. Somehow, that does not always happen.

Well, I'll close for now. I pray for all of your safety, while driving in this weather if you need to. Otherwise, just have a seat in the warmth of your home and watch  the beauty of God's creation put on a show for you! It will be spectacular!

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