The weekend has started out perfectly... and will probably end in the same manner! Today, [Sunday], we are off to Homecoming services at one of our churches. That will be followed by a wonderful lunch and fellowship. Then, we will have some time to relax a bit before we will be heading to our best friends home for a weenie roast/picnic this evening. That will also be a great time for all. Lots of visiting and relaxing!

Tomorrow, we will go to my brother/sister-in-law's home for a lovely quiet afternoon picnic. I am looking forward to spending some time with them.   The weather is to great all weekend... thank you God for that!!

No sewing has been happening around here... that is a topic I am not happy with... but there is hope for this week... and I'll leave it at that. Every time I 'PLAN' on it, it doesn't happen. So... enough said.

Have a great weekend to all!! Remember what the weekend is all about... Remember the Veterans, and also the people who are currently serving in the military. Say a prayer for them and their families. They are the reasons we have the freedom to enjoy life as we know it!!

May God Bless you ALL!!

Chris in PA
I am really loving all the sunshine and heat we are getting here in central PA these days!!! We are making good use of it... getting the garden in, planting flowers around the parsonage, and doing the grave sites, though, those [the graves] are not done yet, but will be today!

I was setting outside on the back porch this morning, having my morning tea, listening to my water fall/feature and watching the bumble bees going from blossom to blossom on my 'Million Bells' planters. Thinking about those bees, I am thinking they are some happy campers about now! Yes, they have work to do, but, it has to be enjoying for them to see such beauty, all day long! I took some pictures... I'll post them below.

No... I haven't got to stitch one stitch this week... so much for having nothing on my schedule to do!! I think I am going to stop trying to get there... and just do it when I can. That way, I'll stop being so frustrated when my plans don't work out!!

Well, better go so I can get to the graveyards before the heat gets really intense this afternoon!!

Enjoy the pictures!

Chris in PA
Hopefully, that answer will be yes, Yes, YES!!! But, the next 4 days (up until Friday) are supposed to be nice, so it will be time to plant the garden also. But, once we get that done, I should be good to go into the sewing room without interruptions!! I am looking at my schedule this week, and there isn't one thing penciled in... Hopefully, it will stay that way! I do want to go to Sam's Club in the morning, or at least sometime tomorrow, and of course, do the usual payday errands. But then... my time is MINE!!

The sun is shining at present... it has come & went all day, in amongst the rain showers. But, that is OK... we need the rain, but, I do hope it will not be a rainy summer season like last year where we got very little summer, due to the rain and chilly temps.

I have been reading a lot lately at bedtime. I had forgotten how much I enjoy it. I am almost out of new books to read... if I don't get to the bookstore soon, I'll have to re-read some of my favorites. I have done that before! I don't mind.

I am trying to plan some kind of vacation for this summer. This is the first year that Dennis won't be away at Seminary for the summer. I want to go camping... and really wish we had a camper... that would help a lot! I'll keep saving... maybe by fall or next year we can get one. Though, we'll also have to get a truck to pull it!! Dennis will be ready for a new vehicle soon anyway. He'll like that!

OK... enough rambling for one day... besides, I have to get ready for Baccalaureate Services tonight.

Happy Qu
And I haven't sewn one stitch all week!! What is wrong with this picture??? I have had good intentions, but can't seem to get the follow-thru to happen. I have to take my Pop to the eye doctor this morning, and am getting a back massage this afternoon, (therapy) ... then, my plan is to come home and isolate myself in the sewing room.  I'll keep you posted how that plan works out!! I want to finish the patriotic wall hangings, and pick a project off of my UFO pile, and continue with that until it is DONE!!! Keep your fingers crossed and cheer me on!! I'll get back to you later!

Chris in PA
It was a rainy day... all day long!! It is to remain this way until Thursday. That will make for some nice sewing room days! Maybe I can get these wall hangings done. I went to Joann's today, to get the bias binding (1/4 inch), I needed. This will save me from making my own!! That would be tedious work! This will make it much easier.

Daughter is wondering where her curtains are ranking these days... that is, she wants to know when they will be made. LOL... that is a million dollar question to be sure!! I wanted them done a long time ago... right along with the curtains for my great-niece's bedroom. Oh my... lots to do... SEW little time!! Those items need to be made, though. I NEED to make those a priority!!

I also need to be working on items for the county fair that is fast approaching. I would like to enter several things... in several categories. Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

OK... here it is 10:30 PM... way past my bedtime... and, the bed needs to be made yet... I forgot to do it earlier!!

Bye All!!

Chris in PA
According to the temperatures and snow we have had here in central PA... I am beginning to wonder. We just got home from watching our grandsons first soccer game, and we froze!! BRRRR!! I really wish the warm weather returns soon!! But, the soccer game went well. I think our team won... but, it is Pee-Wee soccer, so who cares who won. All of the kids on both sides did very well. Cody ended up with another stomach cramp at the end of the game. I remember when I was younger how those things hurt like crazy!! I felt bad because there is nothing you can do for him to stop his pain or his fears. It does scare him when it happens. Hey... he is only 4 years old! I'd be scared too!

I have been getting into the sewing room a little almost everyday lately... I like that a lot!! I am now working on some wall hangings, I am making 6 of them. One for me and the other 5... we'll see. I want to sell them as we need some extra money for car repairs. Hubby's car is killing us. Last month the repair bill was around $300... this month $579... we can't afford much more! If we could afford a car payment, we'd have a new car for him tomorrow!! I just hope that this is the end of it!!

Well, I am going to bed early tonight. I am tired and cold. I need to snuggle under some warm quilts and watch a movie!

Pleasant Quilty Dreams to ALL!!

Chris in PA
It seems that my updates on my blog have happened on Monday nights lately... I would really like to write in my blog daily, so, I'll have to work on that. Life gets in the way sometimes, and I have gotten into the Facebook thing... which is probably a waste of time, but, I enjoy some of the games and keeping up with my friends & family. My time on Facebook has decreased since the weather has changed. Maybe when it gets really nice outside, I'll be spending no time on the computer.

I am in the process of making some (6 to be exact) door quilts.... one for me & 5 to sell. Right now, I am tracing/cutting the fusible patterns, and will get into the fabric probably tomorrow. Though, I'll only have the morning to play in the sewing room. We have reservations for a banquet dinner tomorrow night with our fellow Pastors. I am not sure who is coming, but I hope to connect with some of my Preacher-Wife friends.  It will be a fun evening!

I went out today to do a little shopping. I was looking for some dressier type spring shirts with sleeves. I am sooooooooo not into all these bright-bold-gaudy type retro prints that seem to be everywhere! Teal-blues with browns... pinks with browns... etc... YUCK!!! Doesn't anyone sell normal clothing anymore?? Even the dresses are like that... I guess I'll wait to shop at Macy's. They have more of a selection... at least around here anyway. I did find a few shirts and a pair of brown dress pants. Any color than black dress pants are almost obsolete here. Why?? I don't have a clue! So, since they had a pair [brown] in my size, I figured I had better scoop them up!

Our son who lives in Oregon sent some really nice photos of the beaches over the weekend. He was riding the dunes in his SUV... having fun with his friends. I really miss him, but, he is happy. Maybe someday he'll move back, but maybe not. Time will tell...
I do hope the economy picks up soon as his job has been sporadic of late. Working maybe one or two days a week. No one can pay bills with paychecks like that, so I hope things pick up soon for his sake. I know a lot of other people are in the same predicament... so I am praying for everyone!

Time for bed...

Have pleasant quilty dreams!!

Chris in PA

I am posting the Oregon Beach & Dunes pictures from my son... Absolutely beautiful!!
I know I  had in my blog yesterday that I was taking 3 quilts today to donate... but, I got to spend some time in the sewing room this morning and finished up 2 more! They only needed minor sewing of the labels, etc. so it was easy to get them done. When I got to the Cancer Center, the nurses asked me if I would donate one of them to their Relay For Life Raffle Basket. I gave them one of the ones I made myself. I hope it helps in raising money for the cure of cancer.

I got a bonus afternoon with our grandson today. That made for a great afternoon! We did some errands, then I took him home. We had a good time together, as always! I think he is coming to stay again this weekend... well have to plan something special. I taught him how to play Parcheesi, Dominoes & Checkers, so, he always challenges me to a game or more. Yes... I must confess, I let him win most times, but not all the time. Don't want him to be a poor sport.

Well, it is a lazy Monday evening. I think I'll go get comfortable & go to the sewing room for a bit. I want to get some smaller things made. I bought a pattern for a wall hanging for the door... I can't wait to get it made. Though, I have a LOT of THINGS that I want to make... that is my problem. Lots to do, not enough time!

Have a great quilty night!!

Chris in PA
I am having a hard time with the way the months are flying by these days! Here it is... May already! Well, I am going to enjoy the spring/summer this year, at least as much as I can!! I want lots of picnics (at home) and lots of time relaxing outside while reading some good books!! We don't have an outdoor eating space, so I am thinking about going to Lowes or Big Lots tomorrow and finding a small table with 2 chairs for our small porch. I love to eat outdoors in the summertime!

I will be delivering 3 quilts to the Cancer Center tomorrow. They will be wondering where I have been... I am sure they are out of the quilts we had already given them. It has been a while since I have dropped any off. I know they (the nurses) will be happy to get them, because I am sure there are patients who could use them! I will have to get busy on making some more!! I have blocks already made for 2 more... the pattern is one of Bonnie Hunters (Scrappy Stars, I think). I also have some more to do some hand stitching on, and others in waiting... If only I had more time to devote to sewing!!

I am enjoying this lazy Sunday evening at home. I think I am going to go get my jammies on and watch a movie!

Bye for now!!

Chris in PA