Hopefully, that answer will be yes, Yes, YES!!! But, the next 4 days (up until Friday) are supposed to be nice, so it will be time to plant the garden also. But, once we get that done, I should be good to go into the sewing room without interruptions!! I am looking at my schedule this week, and there isn't one thing penciled in... Hopefully, it will stay that way! I do want to go to Sam's Club in the morning, or at least sometime tomorrow, and of course, do the usual payday errands. But then... my time is MINE!!

The sun is shining at present... it has come & went all day, in amongst the rain showers. But, that is OK... we need the rain, but, I do hope it will not be a rainy summer season like last year where we got very little summer, due to the rain and chilly temps.

I have been reading a lot lately at bedtime. I had forgotten how much I enjoy it. I am almost out of new books to read... if I don't get to the bookstore soon, I'll have to re-read some of my favorites. I have done that before! I don't mind.

I am trying to plan some kind of vacation for this summer. This is the first year that Dennis won't be away at Seminary for the summer. I want to go camping... and really wish we had a camper... that would help a lot! I'll keep saving... maybe by fall or next year we can get one. Though, we'll also have to get a truck to pull it!! Dennis will be ready for a new vehicle soon anyway. He'll like that!

OK... enough rambling for one day... besides, I have to get ready for Baccalaureate Services tonight.

Happy Qu

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