I am really loving all the sunshine and heat we are getting here in central PA these days!!! We are making good use of it... getting the garden in, planting flowers around the parsonage, and doing the grave sites, though, those [the graves] are not done yet, but will be today!

I was setting outside on the back porch this morning, having my morning tea, listening to my water fall/feature and watching the bumble bees going from blossom to blossom on my 'Million Bells' planters. Thinking about those bees, I am thinking they are some happy campers about now! Yes, they have work to do, but, it has to be enjoying for them to see such beauty, all day long! I took some pictures... I'll post them below.

No... I haven't got to stitch one stitch this week... so much for having nothing on my schedule to do!! I think I am going to stop trying to get there... and just do it when I can. That way, I'll stop being so frustrated when my plans don't work out!!

Well, better go so I can get to the graveyards before the heat gets really intense this afternoon!!

Enjoy the pictures!

Chris in PA

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