Though it is a little cloudy & overcast here in PA... yesterday, the sunshine was beautiful! Dennis did get some of the yard raked, I filled the bird feeders and checked out my flower beds. The Tulips, Grape Hyacinths, and Daffodils are coming up nicely. Even the buds on the Lilac Bush are ready to pop open! Spring is near... YIPPEE! I am so ready to be outside. I do hope we do not get a heavy frost, though, that is always possible at this time of year. But, I will remain hopeful that the winter weather is gone for good! Let's break out the capri's & short sleeved shirts!

My niece, Brooke, is still ready & waiting for her new heart. The heart medicine that they are giving her is doing it's job, and her present heart is functioning better. That is good. We went to visit last Wednesday, and had a great time playing Uno... she is an Uno card shark! She loves that game! She is getting many cards and gifts in the mail. Her Gram already had to bring several bags of things home... the hospital room is only so big! She did receive a beautiful quilt from a previous Pastor from her home church, and she loves it. DKeep her in your prayers.

Well, I guess I had better get off of here. I need to bake some pies for the church dinner today. And, I am making Macaroni & Cheese, too. So, no more dawdling on the computer... it's time to get busy and go get dressed for church. I'll catch up later! Hopefully, I will get better at keeping my blog up-to-date! Sorry to have been slacking these past few weeks.

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