Yes, we got a few inches here in central PA. But, the sun is back out this morning, and it is melting. You only see the snow now in the shady spots. But, it was beautiful coming down. I ventured out yesterday only to walk 4 doors down to the Post Office. It saddened me that I had to get my heavy winter coat and wear. I was trying to hold out. But, the wind & snow yesterday, wore me down! Oh well, you have to look on the bright side... Spring is coming!

Yesterday, I got to put the second quilt together for the 2 little girls down the street. They [the quilts] turned out really nice. I just have to tie them, and they will be done. I will get them delivered by this weekend! I am so happy that that plan came together! The guild is to get together on Saturday to do our Charity Quilts. I have 7 quilt tops made for that. Saturday, we'll layer those, and get them together. We will take them home to tie. We try to have them done by our December Christmas Party, and show them off then to the group. After that, I will deliver them to the Cancer Center, and any other places they need to go.

Right now, in between blogging, I am baking cupcakes. Our church next door is having a Pumpkin Party tonight during the Trick-or-Treating in the neighborhood.  The kids are treated to fun & games, and of course, 'Treats' while they visit the Social Room of the church. This is the 5th year they have done this and it is well received. Unfortunately, we cannot attend the Pumpkin Party, because there is also Church Conference set-up. And that, we MUST attend. I will deliver my Trick-or-Treats to the neighborhood kids later today since we will not be home to catch them at the door.

Well, can't think of anything else to add at this time, so I'll close for now. I do hope you have a great day.

                                     GO PENN STATE!!

                                                                                     GO STEELERS!!

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