I am happy to say that my new kitchen curtains are finished!! I have busted about 4.75 yards from my stash... I am happy about that, of course. Though, it doesn't make a dent in the stash! Now, I need to work on a set of curtains for the laundry room, then get busy on the curtains for the country house where our daughter & family live. Jennifer will be so happy for that change! So will I, actually.

I sent out some things for the church bazaar last Saturday... I am not sure what of my items, actually sold, but, I do know a few things went. I like helping out the church with my quilty stuff. I love making them, and the churches can always use the money in one way or another. It's a win, win situation!

OK... I'll be sewing on & off the rest of the week, and hope to participate in a Cyber Stay-Home Retreat this weekend with an internet group. I do not know if we are getting Cody on Friday, I need to call Jennifer to find out. But, I'll be sewing up till Friday afternoon, and will get back to it after Cody goes home on Saturday. I think I'll work on the charity quilts, so I can get them out of here and mo

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