The weather has been fabulous the past couple of days... lots of sunshine & warmth! I think the skies are even clearer now than they were all summer long! The birds are also enjoying it... they are just singing away every morning when I wake up... You'd swear it was spring! But, unfortunately, the Indian summer weather is only to last for another day... [today]... then turn windy & rainy, and not to mention , COLD, again tomorrow. It was nice while it lasted, though. I thank God for the reprieve we have had.

Jennifer is re-cooperating from her surgery... she tends to push herself a little too much, and ends up hurting more for it, [I wonder who she gets than from??] But, all in all, she does feel a little better everyday. Now, everyone... PRAY FOR BABIES!! Hopefully, this time next year, I'll be posting new grand-baby pictures!

The sewing bee on Saturday was good, but unfortunately, only 2 other people besides me, was there. And, I had Cody with me... so, that makes 4. One guild member dropped off her blocks, but she was really sick, so I was not upset that she went back home. She needed to rest & recover. I did bring home the blocks that we made, and have enough for one quilt top. But, we [the guild] are still making the blocks [hopefully, everyone in the guild are doing the same], and are hoping for many quilts to be donated to the Cancer Center.  I am going to try and machine quilt mine this year... I am really looking forward to the challenge and the practice!

It has been a little over a month now that Mom has been gone. I have had my good days and what I call my 'Melt Down' days. That is normal. I do miss my Mom. I thought it would be easier since we had 'lost her' already to Alzheimer's, but, that is not the case. I find myself thinking about her, back during the times when she was well and happy, not the past  years that she has been sick and trapped. I say trapped because that is what Alzheimer's does, is trap a person in a body, without a mind. But, now Mom is free and whole again, in the loving care of our Lord and Savior. And, she is happy, no longer trapped. That makes me happy, knowing where she is, and that she is truly whole again. I will see her again someday, and look forward to that time. We will have a great family reunion one day... but it will be greater than all the reunions we have ever had here on earth, because we will all be in the Presence of our Lord, celebrating together! You can't get better than that!  I want to say something else about my Mom. My Mom had a million dollar smile... one that really lit up her face... I can picture her now, with that beautiful smile on her face constantly, as she enjoys being in Heaven, looking at her surroundings, being with God! All I can say is WOW! And, that is truly an understatement! I love you Mom and miss you, too!

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