As you noticed... I didn't write 'Good Morning'... that's because it is 1:15 AM!! I did go to bed around 9 PM, fell asleep, only to be awaken by discomfort & pain. I hate nights like this! So, I am making another cup of hot tea and medication... updating my blog, then I'll go see what is on TV at this hour. Who knows what time I'll get to bed again.

The weather has changed from the Indian summer I wrote about a couple of days ago. It is cooler now, windy and rain. I haven't watched the weather reports to see what the new week will bring, so I'll guess I'll find out when it gets here.

My sewing has not been very plentiful lately... I really need a jump start on that again! I have a lot of projects I 'should' be working on... now to get to it! Dennis is going to a meeting on Monday, and I'll have the house all to myself... a good opportunity to hibernate in my sewing room... uninterrupted... at least by him, anyway.

Well, my tea is done

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