We did get about 2 inches of snow and ice. They did cancel the schools. It is to continue to have rain & sleet until after lunch, then as the cold front comes in from the west, it is to change to snow. The weather lady this morning says 'snow flurries', so I am not sure where the folks that were saying 8+ inches got their info?? Maybe from the Michigan news?? The weather lady did not give any indication this morning there was to be an 'accumulation' of any amount... we'll see what happens. This weather did make my cleaning lady cancel for today. That is good, as I would not want anything to happen to her while coming to clean my house! Betty is a peach. I really like her. She helps me out a lot, since physically, I can not do the scrubbing and sweeping. She is a God-send!

I will be headed upstairs here in a short , to first get showered and dressed, probably into my flannel pants since I won't be going anywhere, anytime soon! Then, off to the sewing room, to see what else I can do there. Maybe, I'll just set and sew, instead of re-arranging my UFO's... AGAIN! I know that they are there... I don't need to be reminded... teehee! Actually, I should just pick one up, and get busy on it! Make a challenge for myself, per say... that I can get it done by the end of the day?!? That sounds like a plan. In the times I need to rest my back, I have several UFO's that is ready for the binding to be hand-stitched down. I know... if you have been following my blogs, you will know that I have mentioned these items before, and you know what? They are still waiting to be completed! Does this sound familiar? Does this mean I am a procrastinater? If you answered yes, to either or both of these questions, then it must be true! I am not one to make resolutions... because I know it will be forgotten in a short time, and I will move on. So, that will not help me. I guess I will just have to get determined and get them done! One step at a time!

OK... as John Wayne said... "I am burning daylight", so I'd better get moving.

Have a great day!

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