I did my errands yesterday, and while going through the grocery store, I overheard 2 guys talking, (complaining) about this upcoming ice & snowstorm we are to get, and the amount of accumulation, (like 8 + inches). True, I do not want nor like the ice, but I will take the snow any day... providing it is in the winter. But, my pet peeve or question is... why do people who hate the snow live in the north? It is not like we live in a country where we cannot move to a warmer climate, or to an area we like. You know, as I think about it... you also hear people complaining about the heat in the summer! What is up with that? My Pop always said, "Some people would complain if you hung them with a new rope!" Certain people will never be satisfied! It just baffles me. I guess I am more of an optimist, than a pessimist.

The snow has started... Hooray! I can not wait to see how much we get! Though, with the ice coming as well, they will probably be canceling the schools tomorrow. The kids will be loving that! With my kids being through school, I do not need to worry about such things anymore. And, I have nothing on my schedule of places to go tomorrow, so that is just fine. You  will be finding me in the sewing room, for sure!

I am still plugging away at trying to get organized in the sewing room. I need to make a trip to Lowes for shelving, brackets and for plywood, that will be used for the cabinet I want built. I did buy curtains yesterday at the Dollar Store, instead of using my stash fabric to make them. It was cheaper this way, and much, much quicker! I am finding fabric that I have forgotten about, and some fabric that I have, that leaves me wondering why I bought it in the first place, what did I have in mind to make from it at the time? Oh well, new projects are always found, and I will use it, eventually. I continue to cut up strips from my stash, for scrappy quilts. I have my 2-inch strip drawer pretty full now. I will use these to make some string quilts. I already have the foundation blocks cut and ready for this project. I hope to start these next week.

This weekend, I think I mentioned before, will be a sewing retreat weekend for me. I will be at our house in the country. Just me & my sewing machine. I can not wait! It will be so nice! No one around and no phone to answer! I have decided to take along a UFO to work on. A row quilt, that several of us in the guild started years ago. I think a couple of them actually finished their quilts. Everybody else made UFOs from them. Including me! I will try really hard to complete this UFO in 2009.

Well, I will close for now. I am headed upstairs to the sewing room for a while, then bed. Goodnight to ALL!

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