I am sure this title heading has you all a bit confused... But, before I explain that, I want to say it has been a while since I have blogged... for those of you who follow my blog to catch up with me & what I am doing, or those of you who just drop in from time to time, you probably thought I had left the country! Well, in all reality, we did not get that far, but we did 'get out of Dodge!' (Can you tell I like Gunsmoke?) Anyway, we took a trip to beautiful Delaware. Where at this time of year, things are green, daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths, azaelias, etc. are blooming. And, there were even flower buds on the Lilac bushes! Here, in central PA, we are about 2 weeks behind Delaware, in these respects, so believe me, having 'Spring Fever' as I have had since March 1st... I was ready to see green & flowers! It was nice 'previewing the coming attractions'.

Being in Delaware was not a vacation of sorts... no sight-seeing or anything like that. It was just a time away. The Lent Season and Easter is a very busy time within the Church. Yes, it keeps Dennis busier than me, since he is the preacher, but, I I am still involved to some extent. Many services to plan or attend as well as keeping up with his Seminary studies. That is why we go to Delaware. We stay at a friends home, (no one lives there at the present time), but it is a home away from home. All we need to do is bring food, our clothes and move in. Everything else is there. I was going to say that Dennis is a type of person where I have to get him away in order for him to do his schoolwork, but, I think that just goes along with being a preacher in general. Or anyone for that matter. When you are at home, other things creep into your day, plans or schedules  get shifted because something else comes up, the phone rings constantly, or someone drops by wanting to talk or they need you to do something, etc. All kinds of scenarios can become distractions, and this happens in all walks of life. In Delaware, we have none of these distractions, so Dennis can concentrate wholly on his schoolwork. What do I do besides staring at the four walls while he studies??? Hence, the title heading... S-R-S-R-S... I Sew for a while, then Rest, Sew some more, then Relax, then back to Sewing, and SEW on. (I just had to add that little pun in!) It is quite nice and I really like it. I pack up several projects, sewing machine & supplies, and I am ready to go! During this time away, I finished my project I learned at the class I took at the Lancaster Quilt Show. This item, which is a wall hanging, I have decided to give to my daughter for Mother's Day. She is a great Mom to our Grandson Cody, and she deserves a gift for that from me for a change, instead of me always getting a gift from her. Yes, she is not my Mom... but, does it really matter? I think not. The other project was that I started a new quilt top, using 1930 reproductions fabrics. This quilt will be for our bed! Yes, you read that correctly... this quilt will live at OUR house! I am using the 'Buzz Saw' Block for this, and I can't wait to get back to it and get it done! My friend Judy & I started collecting 1930 Repro fabric several years ago. Judy has her top done, or it is very close. She has been after me to get busy, and to use the Repro fabrics, so she'll be pleased. This was a time consuming project, so I didn't even get the chance to get my third project (quilt top) that I took to  finish, out of the suitcase. I am not complaining though. For Dennis & I... it was a very productive time away, as well as refreshing.

As you may know, Cody is now 3. While we were away, I bought several cards, ('Thinking of You & 'Just Because' type cards), that we could send him while we were away. Cody loves getting mail! We dropped one in the mail, like every other day. I missed my little guy! But, my downfall was when I called & talked with him on Sunday! Then, I REALLY missed him! I was ready to head for home after that! Though, Dennis kept assuring me that we would go home... on TUESDAY! What a nice guy, right? But, I survived.

We had to go pick up the dogs upon arriving home... Jennifer, Jon & Cody were my dog-sitters. So when we picked up the dogs, we picked up Cody also, bringing him home with us! I enjoyed that quite a bit. Though, I always love having my boy here. Little people are so fun to be around. So, energetic, loving, imaginative, inquisitive, happy-go-lucky attitudes... just nice, pleasant folks to have around. I always said when my kids were that age, that I wanted to freeze them, to keep them as toddlers/preschoolers forever! But, I never found a way to do that, at least 'legally'... so, they grew up and now those little pleasures only exist in my memories. But, they were and remain happy times in my life.

I had better close for now. We have church tomorrow, etc. So, it will be busy till about 2 PM. Then, since the weather is very warm, at least right now, I am going to the porch, to set on my glider & I'll be watching the world go by, as I relax and enjoy God's creation, coming back to life, after a long winter's nap! It will be a perfect day!

God's Peace to all of you!

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