Since Cody will not be coming to Mimi & Papa's house to stay tonight, I will be retreating early. I have a Tossed Nine-Patch started. The finished blocks are laid out on the design floor... which is the floor space in Dennis' upstairs office... I have more blocks to make for this. The fabric is cut, and partially sewed. I just need to complete the blocks, and add them to the design floor, then start sewing the rows together. I want to make 2 twin size quilts for Mom & Pop's beds at the Personal Care Home. Right now, they have plain bedspreads (tan colored). Pretty blah... I think the new scrappy quilts will brighten up their room. More stimulation for Mom. The quilts will be tied, as I cannot afford to have them machine quilted right now. But, they will add up to quite a bit of 'stash busting'! My 2009 goal is getting 100 yards of fabric used from my stash. I actually am hoping to exceed that amount! Which, I am almost at 30 yards now (29.85 yards to be exact), and that is not counting this Tossed Nine-Patch that I am currently working on.

I'm a happy girl! I get to paint the kitchen & dining room here at the Parsonage! The colors I have chosen are Swiss Almond (for the top) and Burgundy (for the bottom) with a chair rail in between. Dennis is at Lowes getting the paint and supplies now. We will be starting this on Monday. I'm a happy ... happy ... happy girl!

So, onto the retreat... my soup is in the crock pot... the dishwasher is running... I need to throw in a load of laundry, then upstairs I go to SEW...SEW...SEW! I do have hand-stitching to do when I need to take breaks for my back, so I'm good to go!

Happy Sewing to ALL! Keep those machines HUM...HUM...HUMMING along!

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