Time sure is flying, though, I am feeling lost. Because I am not really getting things accomplished as I would like. Now that the weather is getting warm & dry (FINALLY), I'll be turning my attention outside, which will only get me further behind in my quilting room. At least I'll be able to take my knitting and hand-quilting projects outside while relaxing on the porch swing.

I continue to work on the fabric postcards that I exchange with my online group, PCMA,  (PostCard Mail Art)... I put 4 of them in the mail yesterday. One was going to Germany, another to Australia, and 2 in the USA. Wow... my creations are getting around (traveling), even if I am not! LOL

New project in knitting... I am doing a Lace Shawl in my knitting class. I am amazed at what I have learned in the past 6 to 8 months! And, I like knitting because it is much easier to haul around to doctors appts, or while riding in the car. I used to take my quilting handwork... I have been working on a Cathedral Windows quilt since 1994. I be MORE than happy when that is done. And, I can tell you... I won't be doing another one!! At least not in the near future. Though, at the rate I am going, I'll be very old by the time I finish this one!! LOL

Better go for now. Dennis is gone for the day and I want to sew!!!

Happy Stitching!

Chris in PA

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