It is time to update my blog... now I must think of something to say! I have been intrigued for a while now, about the fabric postcards. I had received on from a guild friend. It has since been put on the back burner, per say... But, recently there has been a lot of chatter on Stashbusters, (online quilting group) in regards to this subject, therefore 'peaking' my interest to the point I have made the plunge of buying supplies, etc. There are pictures and a story in my gallery about this, so I will not bore you and tell it again. But, I will say, they are fun to make! And, I can't wait to check out more internet info & pictures of these little quilt treasures.

It looks so pretty outside with the snow flurries, I had to go and make some hot chocolate! I like my hot chocolate with the Cremora French Vanilla powdered creamer (sugar free) in it. M-M-Good! Try it, you might like it! It makes for a nice change from the usual.

We had Cody last week, and will have him again this weekend. I can't wait! I will be sure to bring along his snow clothes this week as he loves to go outside. Last week when he was here, he helped me feed the birds, our normal thing to do. It was after dark, so it was very quiet outside, with the new snow we received earlier, it was just gorgeous. Cody wanted to sled ride. Not that we have any real place to sled ride, but, we (Cody & I) went in search of something to use for a sled. I knew we had no real sleds here at the parsonage. They are at our country home. But, into the basement we went. I was looking around and spotted the 50 pound bird seed bag (which was empty). I picked it up, noticing that it was plastic, and off we went to try it out. Now, mind you, we do not have any big hills in the yard, but we do have a small slope. Well, for a 3 year old, this was a good thing! Cody had a grand time with his hillbilly sled, and if the neighbors were out enjoying the peace & quiet of the evening, well let me say, we spoiled their peace & quiet part. We had a great time together. Only thing was, the time spent was short, as he did not have the right clothing for any long activities outdoors. But, it was special anyway!

Well, I am going back to the sewing room now. I want to play some more with the postcards to see what I can create next.

Have a great 'sewing' day!


This is s great day to be headed to the sewing room, which is where I am going after I get done with this post. I am loving the snow, though, we are getting any real accumulation of it. I am still patiently waiting for that big snowstorm... hopefully, it will come before the end of February. I love snow from December 1st through the end of February. Snow in December gets you in the mood for Christmas, etc. Snow after March 1st is depressing, because by then, I am ready to see spring. But, I guess we will take what the good Lord gives to us, and make the best of it. There is no other way!

The flu bug has passed for the most part. I finally had a little soup last evening at suppertime, and it remained where is should, (if you know what I mean). Though, about midnight, I did have to come downstairs for a piece of dry toast & flat ginger ale to quiet my nauseated stomach again. This morning, I have had one cup of tea, and am feeling pretty good in the stomach department. I am hoping the flu is done with me!

We will get Cody tomorrow, and he will stay the night. His Mom & Dad have a 'date' for dinner and relaxing. I will enjoy having my boy here once again!

Well, I'm going to the sewing room. I am trying to get organized in there. Yes, it will take me a while, but it wil


Isn't there a saying out there about the 'best laid plans??? Well, my plans haven't been working out at all... that is the plans to get to the sewing room! Sunday night, a little while after posting my last blog, I went to the sewing room, to start setting up for Monday's sewing frenzy (Dennis would be gone at a meeting), then I started to get a little nauseous... I kept on doing what I was doing... and the nausea got worse to the point I stopped what I was doing and went to lay down. As time progressed so did the sickness until I knew that I had caught the flu-bug from Cody... I pulled myself up, and got ready and went to bed. I won't give you the details of my night, we'll just say that I don't want to do that again any time soon! Monday was a total wash out... I didn't get out of bed. Tuesday, I had to get out of bed because I had to pick up my Pop from the hospital which is an hour away & admit him to the local rehab center/nursing home which was an hour and a half the other way from there, and admitting him at rehab takes HOURS!! By the time I got home I had enough! This morning, (Wednesday) I have decided I am not getting out of my flannel pants all day, until my doctors appt. this afternoon, which if I didn't have to go there, I wouldn't get out of my flannel pants at all! I am thinking after I get to feeling better and keeping more than tea, flat ginger ale & dry toast down... (down being the key word here) in my stomach, I am taking my machine and my projects and getting out of Dodge! Then, just maybe, I'll be able to sew!! And, I'm not telling anyone where I am going and the cell phone will stay at home too!!

There... I have vented for the day! Deep Breath in......... now release...........  AAAHHH


This is beginning to sound like a broken record!!! No sew today... but, it was a full day none the less. We had church this morning and a get-together at the church this afternoon... and by 3 PM, I was done. So, upstairs to bed I went for a while. I did catch some football while resting my back on the heating pad... but the Steelers didn't play today. So, I had no one to root for. I did watch the Penn State game (Rose Bowl) on Thursday, and that was pitiful! But, I was hoping until the end, that they'd perk up and get their act together... which they didn't. I can say they played a better second half that the first, but it was too little, too late. Oh well... there's always next year. I am happy they made it to the Rose Bowl. I am hoping the Steelers go on in the play-offs. I'll be glued to the TV next Sunday afternoon, that is for sure.

OK... back to the subject of sewing... Dennis has a meeting out-of-town tomorrow, and will be gone most of the day. That will be my time to sew, sew, sew! I will also be screening my calls, and only answering if I want to. I hope to finish the current sewing project, and get on to another. Probably a UFO that has been laying around. I also hope to do some more organizing in the sewing room , as well.  It definitely needs it.

OK... I'm going to go for now. Have a great evening!


Sewing was in my plans for today, but, unfortunately, it didn't happen. There is always tomorrow... in the afternoon! I am working on Charity quilts, but I am itching to start something new for me! The guild has a new 'challenge' for this year. We have to go to the paint store, and find 3 colors that coincide with the initials of our full name. All 3 colors has to be in the quilt, and we must keep the paint chips to prove it in August when the challenge is due, but, we may add other colors, as many as we like to our project. The local quilt shop was having their New Year's sale, so Judy & I took a trip and I found 2 fabrics for my challenge! YIPPEE!! Now, the last one will be easy, as it is a beige, that I will use as a background. I want to make a nice summer wall hanging for the living room. I have an idea of what I want to do... now, I need to do it! January & February is when I usually attack my sewing room to finish up UFO's that have accumulated. I have started my list, and am trying to decide if I want to join the UFO's group with Stashbusters, (an online group I have joined).  I did join the 100 yard Dash from Stash group, (a sub-group from Stashbusters)... and have already used 20 yards of fabric from my stash making charity quilts and 3 pillowcases! I don't think I'll have any trouble at all getting to 100 yards! But, it will be interesting to see just how many times I can do the 100 yard dash from stash this year! I am keeping track!

We went out to see Cody last night. He has been sick with the flu (stomach virus). Poor little thing has lost weight! He needs to come stay with Mimi for a while! Not that his Mom & Dad are not tending to him, which they are and doing a fine job... but Mimi's always make a little one feel better!

It's bedtime... so I'll close for now. Take care... leave a comment or send an email. I'd love to hear from you. I need to get something new made so I can add it to my gallery and update/change some things around. For those of you who visit often, I don't want you to get bored and not return!

Have a great night!

God Bless you & yours throughout the New Year!


I have been busy today... sewing (in between resting my back)!  I am working on using fabrics up from my stash of fabric in my sewing room. I finished one top... and have another about half done... These quilts, for the most part, will be scrappy.  I love the looks of scrappy quilts. Real homey and cozy. These will be donated to the local Cancer Center when they get completed, (layered & knotted).

I have been also working on trying to get organized in my sewing room. I have made a dent... but only a small one. It will take some trials & errors to get that done. I have gotten rid of my ironing board, as it takes up room, and you can use underneath it for storage. And, in my small sewing room, storage is essential! I think that is where I have to concentrate my energies on. I have gotten great ideas from my new online groups I belong to, and I will try to apply what info I have learned. I have also joined a group 'Heartstrings' and  they do a lot of charity quilts, which is what I like to participate in also.

Better go for now. Happy sewing!