I am so happy it is snowing! I have been waiting for it! I hope it lasts!

I am not doing so much sewing in the sewing room. I am doing more hand-work. I have started a Grandmothers Flower Garden using the English Paper Piecing technique. I love it, but it is very time coonsuming. The fabric I am using is 1930 Reproductions... with a white on white for the background fabric... very nice!

I am also busy with knitting. I have found a new yarn (of sorts). It's called 'Starbella' from Premier Yarns. I love the ruffles it makes. So does everyone else. I will be making some for the church bazaar next month and I have given one away to a friend. I am in process of another for another friend... she'll love it!

Tonight is the Ice Cream Social at church. Though, I gave up sweets for Lent... I was thinking cookies, candy, cakes and such when I decided on this. So, I am not sure if ice cream fits in this... I'll decide later...

OK... enough for now!

Chris in PA 

In the past month, I have made 2 quilt tops as Christmas presents. The first is a queen size, 2 color (blue and cream) quilt. It is now at the machine quilters home. I should have it back by mid-December. That is plenty of time for me to get the binding on and get it delivered. The second one is a twin size, done it scrappy reds, tans/creams, and blues. This quilt will be sent to Afghanistan for a family member. In my rush to get it finished, I forgot to order the backing fabric... DAH!!! So, I did that this evening, and I am hoping that comes by the end of the week. That way, I can get this to another machine quilter in my area, (the first LAQ said she couldn't possibly get to this one before Christmas :-( ......) So, I needed to go with a second choice here. I am sure all will work out fine. I had also been busy with making several table runners for the church bazaar and a set of placemats. I am now working on curtains for my daughters kitchen... curtains that I have promised for a couple of years now!! I also have curtains that I have promised my niece, too. I am trying to get caught up on all of that! Then, I'll have my slate cleared of 'promises', and can get to work on my many UFO's in January. I have enough of those that will keep me busy for quite a while! But, I am hoping to clear out my UFO corner and not get bogged down with them like this again! That is a good thought, anyway. I am hoping I can stick with it through the coming years.

Well, I should get back to the Christmas decorations! I wish I could snap a finger and it would be done, but, here in real life, that is NEVER going to happen! LOL

Happy Stitching and till next time............

Chris in PA

PS.... Here are my quilt tops... the first will have the dark blue binding. The other one will have a red binding.

I am sad today... it has been a month since my Pop passed away. But, I am also happy because he is with our Lord and Savior... that gives me peace. 

I got into the sewing room today. I am working on Christmas presents... ones that I need to get to the long-arm quilter [LAQ] and get them back before Christmas, that is. I am under the gun. My initial plan was to have the 2 quilts ready for the LAQ by the end of October. With Pop getting sick and then passing away, that sort of threw me off the mark. So, I am working hard to get at least one of them done before Friday. That way, I can deliver to the LAQ, and work on the 2nd one while she is working on the first! I think that will work out the best and with less stress on everyone! I'll post pictures later... I have all the blocks done for the first quilt, and am sewing them into rows at present... 4 rows done... 5 to go! It will all come together... it always does. I seem to work a little better under pressure anyway. But, I also drive myself nuts, too! One day, maybe I'll find a happy medium!

Happy St
Recently, our grandson turned 6! Seems like only yesterday that I was looking at him for the first time in the isolette at the hospital after his birth. Though, having 2 children of my own, I do know how fast they grow up.

Cody celebrated with a party at the local bowling alley with some of his closest friends and a few family members. We had a great time. He was quite excited, showing off his 'guns' in the one picture I took, and also posing with his friends who were showing the Steeler pride, as the future Steeler team. In a conversation with his mom, he told her that 'he didn't feel any different now that he was six!' I guess he thought there would be some kind of change! LOL Kids are so cute and say the darnedest things!

Quilting has been slow. Though, the guild members, [me included] are working on our 'Make A Difference' projects. We will again be making quilts for the local Cancer Center patients. This year, we are making the Grandmothers Flower Garden blocks. These are the hexagon English Paper Piecing ones. But, instead of putting them all together, we will be appliqueing them onto a unfinished 10 inch unbleached muslin block, and are to decorate them however we choose. I am putting stems and leaves on some, and just leaves on others. We will then use sashing to expand the quilt top size, and sandwich them with batting & backing. They will then be tied, labeled & delivered to the center. I'll post pictures later. We will also be making other quilts, too. I am hoping we have about 20 to 25 quilts to deliver by December. That would be wonderful!!

The weather is calling for rain & wind this weekend. What a great time for hot soup and crafting indoors! I am not sure what I'll get into, whether quilting or knitting, but I can guarantee I'll be indoors!

Happy Quilting!!

Chris in PA

Yes... Fall is officially here. Though, I love this season, I am not ready for it. I still want some summer weather... but, these cooler Fall days are very nice, too.

I am working on more purses. They are in demand from my friends. I am enjoying making them. I see I have been lacking on posting my pictures of the ones I have made. I'll have to get busy on that and get them downloaded from the camera and posted on the website. There is always something to do!

I have Christmas presents to make. It is my plan to start them soon so I can get them to the long-arm quilter. I want them done by the end of October. That should work out very well.

Knitting is going well. Though, my projects at this time are dishcloths. AC Moore had a sale last week, so I went & stocked up on some solid colors for the dishcloths. I have about 4 very large skeins of the variegated... so, I should be good for the winter.  I did buy some bulky wool for another hat & scarf. I think I'll do them for Dennis for Christmas. And, since he doesn't read my blog, I won't have to worry about spoiling my surprise! LOL...

I delivered 8 quilts today... (ones the guild members made)... 4 baby sized quilts will be going to Pittsburgh Children's Hospital and the other 4 lap sized ones were donated to the local Cancer Center for the patients. I need to get some made (by me) for the cancer center. I like to make the scrappy ones. But doing those uses up my scraps, etc. which I need to do. My scraps are taking over my sewing room! I am thinking about doing some foundation crazy patches. They are the easiest!

I went to a Pastor's Wives Retreat over the weekend and met another quilter while there. She brought a quilt with her and I fell in love with the pattern! I'll be making one of those very soon! See... there is always something to do!

Going to go for now. I hope everyone reading this has a wonderful day!

Happy Stitching!!

I can't believe that I haven't blogged since May!! Time is sure flying around here. I have been busy with many things... not all quilting, but some. I finished up my fair quilt. And, the fair has come & gone. I am happy to say, that I received a First Place Ribbon for my entry. The quilt can be found by following this link to my gallery. I was pretty bogged down with other things of life that I only had one entry this year. I feel bad about that, but, there is always next year!

Since the fair, I have been busy making several purses. I am at a stand-still right now though, until I can get to JoAnn's to get more fusible fleece. That will probably be tomorrow. I have went through my stash and picked out fabrics that will work together for even more purses! Several persons within the church want one, so I'll be sharing! I'll post pictures of these also in my gallery, under Purses, Purses and more Purses!

I have to get ready and head out to the church now. We will be starting our new quilt for the Spring Bazaar! I can't wait till it is done. I think the fabrics will make a beautiful quilt!

Bye for naw!

Happy Quilting!
Chris in PA
I am loving this weather... I went out this morning and had my tea on my glider as I looked around to see all the new life coming alive again in God's wonderful creation!! My tulips and grape hyacinths are blooming... The trees in the neighbors yard have their new leaves... the blooms on the lilacs are getting ready to open... neighbors are mowing their green grass... it is a great sight to see.

On my agenda today is taking Pop to the doctors, then hanging out until it's time to go to the funeral home this afternoon... [my best Bud's Mom passed away]. Then, home to go to another funeral home for one of our parishioners.

Later, I'll be getting comfortable [out of my dress clothes] and hopefully getting outside to enjoy some of this beautiful day. Maybe later, getting into the sewing room... and at some point, I need to do a little online shopping for border & backing fabric for the quilt I am currently working on and some border & backing fabric for the quilt I will be working on next. I want to make a lap quilt to auction off at our upcoming family reunion in July.

So, everyone... have a great day!! The Lord has made a good day today... let's not waste it!

Happy Stitching!!

Chris in PA

Time sure is flying, though, I am feeling lost. Because I am not really getting things accomplished as I would like. Now that the weather is getting warm & dry (FINALLY), I'll be turning my attention outside, which will only get me further behind in my quilting room. At least I'll be able to take my knitting and hand-quilting projects outside while relaxing on the porch swing.

I continue to work on the fabric postcards that I exchange with my online group, PCMA,  (PostCard Mail Art)... I put 4 of them in the mail yesterday. One was going to Germany, another to Australia, and 2 in the USA. Wow... my creations are getting around (traveling), even if I am not! LOL

New project in knitting... I am doing a Lace Shawl in my knitting class. I am amazed at what I have learned in the past 6 to 8 months! And, I like knitting because it is much easier to haul around to doctors appts, or while riding in the car. I used to take my quilting handwork... I have been working on a Cathedral Windows quilt since 1994. I be MORE than happy when that is done. And, I can tell you... I won't be doing another one!! At least not in the near future. Though, at the rate I am going, I'll be very old by the time I finish this one!! LOL

Better go for now. Dennis is gone for the day and I want to sew!!!

Happy Stitching!

Chris in PA
I took the weekend off... time all for me! It was wonderful to just take my sewing machine, some fabric, a pattern, sewing supplies and go! I also took my girls... 2 miniature Dachshunds, Sadie & Sable, and went to our house in the country. Away from the normal day-to-day things, but, mostly, away from the traffic and its noise! I really don't like the location of where we are living... it's way too close to the road! I love our country place.

The project I started was a small wall hanging. The finished size will be around 24 inches square, I think that is what the pattern says. But, it includes piecing and hand applique. It has been so long since I have done applique! But, I am enjoying it. The pieced part of the project is done. I am adding the applique pieces now... one corner done, 3 to go! I'll take a picture soon and post it... I won't do it now because it is in the early morning hours (like 1 AM), and I am not going to turn on lights to take a picture right now.

I am getting the 'quilting bug' more now... hopefully it stays! I still have my jacket to finish and the quilt for the fair. Actually, this wall hanging that I am presently working on just may become a fair entry also! In the past 2 years I have made embroidered table runners. I am not sure if that will happen this year... we'll see. The first year I entered anything, I entered 1 item... last year, which was my second year, I entered 3 items. Maybe this year, I'll shoot for 5. We'll see...

Well, it's late , so I'll close this posting for now.

Happy Stitching All
Yuppers... you heard (or read) it right! The binding is completed... now, I need to take it somewhere to wash it. I guess I could put in my bathtub and soak it tomorrow... but it is supposed to rain and be messy, so I have no where to hang it afterward. I'll think of something! Any suggestions??

I did my postcards for  our alphabet swap. We (the online group I belong to) are on "W" now. Almost done with them. I did mine early, and put them in the mail today. It is nice to be early for once! I have been behind for several months now! Maybe my bad habits (or the rut I was in) is changing! I'll post them on my postcard page... follow the link...
So, we have X, Y and Z to go... I got a cool idea for Z yesterday... I'll have to start working on those so I don't forget. Though, it will be several months till we get there. I'll make 2 or 3 and be early again!

Well, it is late (actually early, 1 AM) here and I am going to get off of here. I made a cup of tea and will go watch a movie. I can't sleep, so this is what I do in the wee hours. I have a doctors appointment (pain clinic) in the morning. Hopefully, we can schedule the next part of my back treatments so this pain does not continue to keep me awake at nights.