Yuppers... you heard (or read) it right! The binding is completed... now, I need to take it somewhere to wash it. I guess I could put in my bathtub and soak it tomorrow... but it is supposed to rain and be messy, so I have no where to hang it afterward. I'll think of something! Any suggestions??

I did my postcards for  our alphabet swap. We (the online group I belong to) are on "W" now. Almost done with them. I did mine early, and put them in the mail today. It is nice to be early for once! I have been behind for several months now! Maybe my bad habits (or the rut I was in) is changing! I'll post them on my postcard page... follow the link...
So, we have X, Y and Z to go... I got a cool idea for Z yesterday... I'll have to start working on those so I don't forget. Though, it will be several months till we get there. I'll make 2 or 3 and be early again!

Well, it is late (actually early, 1 AM) here and I am going to get off of here. I made a cup of tea and will go watch a movie. I can't sleep, so this is what I do in the wee hours. I have a doctors appointment (pain clinic) in the morning. Hopefully, we can schedule the next part of my back treatments so this pain does not continue to keep me awake at nights.

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