I am loving this weather... I went out this morning and had my tea on my glider as I looked around to see all the new life coming alive again in God's wonderful creation!! My tulips and grape hyacinths are blooming... The trees in the neighbors yard have their new leaves... the blooms on the lilacs are getting ready to open... neighbors are mowing their green grass... it is a great sight to see.

On my agenda today is taking Pop to the doctors, then hanging out until it's time to go to the funeral home this afternoon... [my best Bud's Mom passed away]. Then, home to go to another funeral home for one of our parishioners.

Later, I'll be getting comfortable [out of my dress clothes] and hopefully getting outside to enjoy some of this beautiful day. Maybe later, getting into the sewing room... and at some point, I need to do a little online shopping for border & backing fabric for the quilt I am currently working on and some border & backing fabric for the quilt I will be working on next. I want to make a lap quilt to auction off at our upcoming family reunion in July.

So, everyone... have a great day!! The Lord has made a good day today... let's not waste it!

Happy Stitching!!

Chris in PA


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