I can hardly believe that it is the end of June... I am still waiting for summer to arrive, and here it is half over in our part of the USA. We have had lots of rain and cool days. The rain is good, but, we have had a little too much. I am not complaining... just stating facts.

Today, I need to go out to my parents home to pack up the leftovers from the estate sales we did, in order to dispose of it to a charitable organization... which will NOT be Goodwill! They are too greedy with what they get for free.  I do have a hair appointment this afternoon, also. When I return home, I want to start my sewing retreat and seclude myself in my sewing room and sew, sew, sew till my hearts content!  I did get to make 2 cup mats (coasters) this morning. I needed them for my new computer desk and a side table next to my rocking chair.


The banner is finished and on it's way to Washington, DC. Dennis was very happy with the results, and I must admit... so am I. The picture is below...

To God be the Glory!


The banner is coming along nicely. I am almost done with the hand-quilting, then I will add the border & the rod-pocket on the back to hang it. I also need to make a label for it. My 3 year old grandson wanted to take a picture of my progress... I'll add it in the steps (from pattern to present) below... I just love the dark brown border as it really frames it.


The hand-embroidery is done, and I went today and got the thread I needed. I also got the batting, cording and a rod to hang it. Tomorrow, the outside border will be sewn on, then the quilting will begin. I did find out today that after Seminary, the banner will be returned to me. I told DH today, that I will display it in our 4 churches on the charge... on a monthly schedule. Then, I guess it will come home after that, so I'd better figure out a spot to hang it!

I do not have a picture at this time of my progress today. I'll add one tomorrow after I get the border on.

My grandson comes later in the morning tomorrow, so, I'll have to get up early to do my sewing. He hasn't been here for several weeks now... I do miss my boy! A BUNCH!! I'll have to plan a picnic for lunch out on the porch as he loves picnics. It will be a special time for us. I can't wait!



I have been working on the banner. It's coming along quite nicely. One snag today... The thread I bought at the store, doesn't match... It looked like it would at the shop, but when I got it home in natural light... no go! So, I had to quit for today. I'll go to the store tomorrw and get another shade of thread to match. I am now hand-embroidering the letters on the scroll, since I had to stop the machine sewing for now. When, all is done, then I'll add the borders and do the layering. Then, start the hand quilting...

OK... here's the picture of my progress... let me know what you think!


Today, I started on the banner for Seminary. I have the bottom pieced, and am now working on the scroll. I had to coffee-stain some of the fabric for the scroll sides, so it was different from the front of the scroll where the printing will go. I am thinking I will hand-embroider the letters on. I will post a picture tomorrow, because it is getting late now, and when I go up those steps, I am not coming back down till morning!

I did more of Mom's photo albums today, to get them out of my dining room. I am tired of the mess & clutter. There are some pictures that just don't want to come out of the albums easily... I am going to try to use my hair dryer to heat them a little, to see if that will loosen up the stickiness on the albums. I sorted them also, so that is another job that is done. Now, to distribute them... I will be happy when my home is back to normal! And, all the mess is GONE!

I'm going to go make myself a cup of tea and go to bed. Goodnight all!


OK... I will be starting this new banner tomorrow. Here is the drawing/pattern... tomorrow morning, I will begin the cutting & fabric gluing the pieces in to place... Say a prayer for me as this technique and such detailed work is new to me.

Check back often to keep up with my progress this week...

WOW! Did it rain last night and today... I even heard some thunder boomers from time to time.

Well, the second and last estate sale was today. Everything else is going to charity. We have a buyer on the hook for the house... hopefully, they'll hang on so we can close the deal. I would really like this to be over by the end of July... or at least as close as we can be, to being done. That would be very nice!

Tomorrow after church, Dennis & I are going into seclusion... him with his school books, me with my sewing machine. I have to make a banner for one of the 2 pulpits at seminary... I think I wrote about this already... but, I went to the quilt shop to get the final things I needed... now, to make & complete it... Look out sewing room... Here I come! I'll post pictures of my progress as the week goes by...

Well, it has been a tiring day... off to dreamland I go!


This rain and cold temps are getting to me... Would someone please inform 'Mother Nature' that the first day of summer is SUNDAY!!! Do I sound down? YUP... I am!

I need to go to my sewing room and get refreshed! I am working on a banner for Dennis. He needs it for Seminary.  I have the pattern done... thank God! I cut out all the pieces from iron-on fusible last night... but after I slept on that idea... I am leaning now toward freezer paper & fabric glue, then sewing it down.  I am thinking that is the better way to go with this. So, that means drawing the pattern... again... on freezer paper, and cutting it out... again... but, in the long run... it'll be worth it. I do have to thank my friend (who has a surveying company), for helping me enlarge the original to the size I needed & copying it onto the larger paper.  That was a tremendous help! Did I tell you I need to have this done by next Sunday, June 28th? YUP... I'm in the crunch zone! It'll be OK... once I can find some 'uninterrupted' time in the sewing room. I need to get one of those 'DO NOT DISTURB' signs. But, actually, the sewing room is small, and if I close the door  to put the sign out... I think I'll get a little claustrophobic in there... It is really small! And, I am not claustrophobic...

OK... so, I'd better get on with my day. I awoke with a migraine, and took my meds for that. The pain is gone but now I am left with the 'hangover' part.  I need to go take a nap to sleep that off, then, I'll be good to go!


I NEED TO SEW!!! Oh my, am I in withdrawal! HELP!! I need a clone to do what I need to do, so I can do what I want to do! That would be a perfect solution! I did get the family reunion business done today, and the invitations in the mail.... They are so late. Relatives are wondering if we're even having a family reunion at this point! If you are reading this... YES, WE ARE! Your invitation is in the mail!

I need to make a banner for Dennis' graduating Seminary class. When do I need it done... by June 27th! Oh boy, am I in trouble! It will hang from one of the two pulpits during graduation. Dennis asked me to do it, and I couldn't say no. I will say my prayers and do my best. All will work out, I am sure. With God's help, I'll have it done!

The second, (and final if I have anything to say about it), estate sale at the folks house will be this weekend. A lot of stuff went 2 weeks ago, but, oh my goodness, there is so much stuff! I didn't realize they had so much... otherwise I'd have had an auction! That way, the auctioneer does the work, and its over in one day! Everything is gone! Yes, the auctioneer would have to be paid, but to me... it would have been worth it!

After getting what things I wanted from Mom's into our home, has caused me to get rid of things myself, in order to make room for them. I have made a rule... for every new thing coming into the house, I must get rid of 2 things... so, for my antique sideboard in the dining room, I got rid of my corner computer desk & chair. For the new computer table, which is an antique secretary table/desk, I got rid of a small dresser, and my elliptical machine. The elliptical hurt my back when I used it... so it wasn't doing me any  good anyway. Now, for the antique treadle... I need to think of what I got rid of for that... maybe I'll have to think on that one a bit harder. Maybe I need to find two things for that... mmmmmmm... let me think on that. I'll get back to you on that.

OK... I am tired,