Looking through my Mom's pictures from when we were kids, I came across this one...

I have titled it..."All Dressed Up and Nowhere To Go"... This is one of my older sisters Dianne, on the left, me in the middle, and one of my older brothers Tom, on the right. I got a kick out of this one! See my attire... a hat on my head, a purse slung over my arm, and in my undies... YUP! That was me in the summer on the farm. Though, looking at other pictures, I had the hat & purse while wearing clothes, too.  My mom always told me that the hat & purse was my trademarks as a young girl. I always had them on. What memories! They are good ones for me. I sent this to my brother Tom, who lives in California, and his reply was simply,  'SMART *&#'... you fill in the blanks! I got a laugh at that! I need to look through the pictures of him and send one a week to him, with a caption. He will always be in suspense. He'll appreciate them though, even if he does send me nasty-grams in reply! I love my big brother... don't get me wrong. But, we love picking on each other, too. And, now I got a lot of ammunition! LOOK OUT, TOM!!!

I am headed up to bed now. I am hoping to get into the sewing room in the morning. Dennis is off the physical therapy early. Maybe I'll even get to sleep in a little bit! That would be nice! Tomorrow is our last vacation day... I'd best live it up the best I can!

After a week of R & R at the local State Park cabins, I am sooo ready to be home. The weather was rainy, humid & warm. Not good for taking Cody swimming, but we did enjoy ourselves. We went to the beach, where Cody swan a little, then we had a picnic, and he & Papa played in the sand. Then, that was where the trip took a bad turn...After he & Cody played in the sand, Dennis went to get up and his back went out, which is extremely painful... I should know, as I have a bad back also! Anyway, he wouldn't let me take him to the ER... he suffered through till Thursday morning. Then, he decided it was time to see the doctor. So, off we went. Afterward, I wanted to bring him home... but he wanted to go back to the cabin, so I gave in. He couldn't do anything but lay around and sleep on & off, but, we stayed until this morning. Packed up & home we came. Thank God Jennifer (our daughter) came to stay last night. I could've never done the packing up by myself. If I would've, I would have been in the ER also! When we got home, the teenager that mows the parsonage lawn was here, so he did the unpacking of the vehicles. God does provide! Thank You so very much, Lord! Dennis is off this afternoon to Physical Therapy. We need to get him back in shape before he leaves for Seminary here in a few weeks. I am headed for the couch. I am tired! In between, I am doing the many loads of laundry we have from our trip... sheets, blankets, towels, clothing, etc...

On the sewing part of our trip... I got my 2 postcards finished. I didn't get to do the one I wanted for the swap, as I left the pattern at home. But, I did have the fabric! Does that count? I posted the pictures in my gallery.  On Dennis' studying part... he got some reading done... but nothing written. It's crunch time now... so, I'll be the coach that will be pushing him from here on out! It is going to be a miserable few weeks! He gets very grumpy & grouchy when he is under pressure!

OK... the couch is calling my name! I'm going to take a nap!


Just a quick note to all my blog followers...

I am not sure where the week went, but, low & behold, it is gone just the same. The first round of the estate sale at my parents home is done. The next one will be in 2 weeks. Hopefully, enough stuff went yesterday, to make room for the rest! We have to clear out the basement yet, and Pop's tools/shop.  I am not sure what we are going to do with what is left after that! Donate it somewhere, I guess.

So, that being done, we are leaving for a week to go camping. I can't wait! I need the R & R... Dennis needs it also, and some serious studying time. I have my sewing projects in mind that I want to take along. We will be packing up after church today.  Cody will be joining us mid-week, and Jennifer is coming on Thursday night after work. We all need the break!

Well, I am going to get off of here. Lots to do before we hit the road!