It was a good day!! I had the house all to myself,  did some hand quilting and took  some time playing with my Card Making. Just having the the quiet time was PERFECT!!! And, to make it better, IT IS SNOWING! That makes me 'Snow" Happy! Thank You God for your many, MANY Blessings!

Happy Stitching!
Chris in PA
I uploaded some new photos to my Knitting page and added a new page for another new love of mine... Wool

Today, I worked on my Card Making. I did one for friends of ours, and a Valentine card for our grandson. I'll have to add a new page for those, too. 

I need to be about 5 different persons.... so I can do everything I love without having to decide what craft to tackle in my spare time.. I'd be able to do them all!!

I am looking forward to tomorrow... I'll have the whole day to myself! I can't wait. I'll be in the sewing room most likely! YIPPEE!!!

Happy Stitching,

Time is flying by so fast. It's hard to believe my last post was in October. I really want to be current on my blog, but, since our move in June, my dependability is sorely lacking! I'll try harder!

So, the holidays came and went. Our family was very blessed in that we got to go home and spend some time with everyone, especially our kids and our grandson. 

No big snowstorms yet, but, I am still holding out for some major snowfalls before Spring hits.  

I was busy for the last month in getting ready for a craft sale at the church, which that was last Saturday. So, now, I can hopefully, get back to finishing up a few quilting UFO's... I usually dedicate my time in January, February and March for that, but this is the second year that other things have gotten in the way. Last year, it was preparing to move.  This year, January was spent making things for the Craft Sale. So, I was quilting some, along with Knitting, so, it was not a total wash out! But, now that it is February, I am hoping to get back on track.

There are ladies in the church who are teaching me Card Making. Unfortunately, I am enjoying that, too! OH NO.... I found another hobby! Since I enjoy many crafts, I need to make a schedule... and fit in Quilting, Wool Penny Rugs, Knitting, Card Making, etc. I truly enjoy them all!!! I think if God made 2 of me, and one could do quilting & Penny Rugs, and the other me could do Knitting and Card Making, that would be the best of all! But, since that will not be a reality any time soon, I will try my best to fit it all in!

I took a knitting class today. It was nice to get out of the house and around new knitting friends in our new town. The project is a Cable & Lace Scarf... I will post pictures when it is finished. I do have another scarf in process right now, too. It is made from cotton yarn, for summer. The pattern/scarf is a lacy one, and I work on it mostly in the evenings before going to bed. Pictures will be posted in time....

OK... going to close for now. I guess I got a little long-winded... LOL

Happy Stitching!

Chris in PA
Snow in October!! When I had posted on my Facebook that I had seen my first snowfall of 2012, everyone went a little crazy! Actually, they thought I was a little crazy! LOL... Especially since it was in the mid-50's here. Today, I  was Skyping with my brother  who lives in Colorado and they were having the snow... he held his webcam up to the window so I could see it, so, yes technically, I saw snow falling today! I love the snow and it did make me happy to see it. And, a little excited, too! I love the changes of seasons... so much beauty of God's Creation to behold. Each season, has something special about it.  

Sew many projects, so little time!! I am living that quote, these days! I am getting some projects done, which is a great thing, and some Christmas gifts made in the process. But, as I look around, I always find more projects to make!! Something always catches my eye, whether it be quilting, knitting, or now a wool project! I guess it's a good thing that I give things away... otherwise my house would be busting at the seams from them. I can only display so many things in my house, right? 

I went to a quilt shop yesterday, and I bought some Christmas fabrics, with the upcoming church bazaar in mind. So, now I need to get busy to make these items, find someone in the church to make them, or what would be fun, is to do them together! The third choice sounds like more fun. I'll have to approach them at Monday's Quilting Bee. The project I have in mind is to make Christmas Ornaments with Yo-Yo's. A very simple project to do, and Yo-Yo's are fun to make. At least I think they are. I have done them in the past, so I have 'samples' for the church/quilt ladies to see. I'll just have to dig them out of the Christmas totes before Monday!

Going to clo

Well, I have done it! I have started working with new mediums... Wool/Wool Felt. It is fun & simple to do. Yes, it can be time consuming, but the beauty of the item being made, is well worth it! I have been on Pinterest , looking for more projects and ideas to make. I am on the look-out for Fall things, but, I am going beyond this season for the next and the next, and then the next...  I'll post the new pictures in my gallery. Check them out!

Our grandson has joined Boy Scouts. He was all dressed and ready for his meeting tonight when his Mom, (our daughter) sent us this adorable picture. What a boy!!

The weather has become typical Fall weather... cooler (& raining) lately. Though, I am not complaining about the rain because we really do need it. We were back home last week, and the trees have put on their Fall wardrobe of many beautiful colors. It will be a couple of weeks before they start changing here, but, that's OK.  We'll get to see the colors longer this way! The scenery sure is pretty as we travel back & forth on the interstate!

Since the weather is not the outdoor type right now, I have been staying indoors. And, since this weeks chores are kind of done, (at least what I WANT to do), I am hoping to get some time in my sewing room.  Maybe unpacking some boxes, getting some things arranged  and also doing some 'playing'!! I did stop in at the local quilt shop this afternoon. I found a real pretty light, sage green piece of wool. I can't wait to find a project to use it in, Though, when I look at it, I see Spring things made from it! I also ordered an orange plaid, some solid black, and some dark red/burgundy. I will be starting some Christmas items soon. The new church will have a Bazaar in mid-November, so, I will be making things for that, as well as doing some Christmas presents. I am making a lot of presents this year. I have or am working on scarves for the great-nieces. I am unsure if I'll get anything done for the great-nephews this year. I might have to do theirs for next year. Though, that would not be nice or fair, would it? I'll have to keep busy.

OK... going to close for tonight. These rainy days make me tired!!


Keep Stitching,

I can hardly believe that this is the end of September!! The hot, sunny days has changed to cooler sunny days! Leaves are starting to show their beautiful colors of the season. I love the Fall season!

I am wanting lots of rainy, cool days, so I can take time in my sewing room. With the days being so nice, I want to spend my days outside. So, needless to say, the yard is looking very nice, but I am not getting any sewing done! I have a quilt to do for a wedding present... I have charity quilts to finish... I have a quilt in the quilting frame to finish... and I want to make some new wall hangings. I have recently started working with wool and wool felt. I am really loving that! But, that also takes time... Oh well... winter is coming. Hopefully, it will be a good old fashioned winter and we will have lots of snow! That will give me lots of time in the sewing room! Maybe I'll be able to catch up with my projects... I did say MAYBE!! LOL

Well, going to close as it is bedtime.

I have quilting with the church group tomorrow, that is always fun.

Happy Stitching,

Chris in PA

We (I) have been busy, trying to get all the outdoor stuff done. I try to take it easy, but, sometimes all the little stuff equals up to 'OVERLOAD'!! But, it will get done, little by little, and I will soon be able to say, 'DONE!!' Believe me, I am looking forward to that day!

I haven't been able to sew this week... we have company, so, it would be a bit rude to retreat to my sewing room and hide away in my own little world. But, last week, I did start on a new fall wall hanging. I was really happy to start creating again! 

I did start & finish a Christmas present last weekend, on the 2 hour car ride going to & from our home town. I knitted a purple scarf for my niece. Friday, we have to make another trip to our hometown, so I will be knitting a pink scarf for a great-niece. So, that will be 2 Christmas presents down, and lots to go. But, it is a start!

Well, I am tired and am ready to head to bed!

Happy Stitching!!
Chris in PA
Hello All!! It has been several months since my last blog. We were very busy with packing! And, may I add, I hope I don't have to pack up and move again for a VERY long time!! Let's say, in 17 years when we retire and move home. That would work for me!!

But, the move is over. The boxes in the main part of the house are emptied. Things are arranged. No naked walls (except for our bedroom.) I have a few boxes left to work on in my sewing studio. All in all, I think we are settled.

We have been busy outside, just as much as inside. We made flower beds around the patio in the back yard, which turned out very well. I spend time out there every day and love it!! I'd attach pictures but I don't know how to reduce them so I can upload them on here! I'll have to figure that out. But, the flowers we bought and planted, are all growing and doing well. So I thing they will make it through the winter. They will be more beautiful next year! We are now working our way around the house. The flower beds along the house (not the patio area) had overgrown and neglected flowers and weeds. So, I have pulled them out and re-used what I can, and am fixing up those beds, too. I am on the garage side flower beds now, and putting in rose bushes there. Next, it will be the front beds. They have many overgrown and half-dead shrubs that need removed. But, I will be at the mercy of the guys from the church to do that. It will take trucks and chains, I am sure! But, it's coming along.

Cody has been down a couple of times... spending a week the first time, then several days the second. I hope he can come again before school starts. If not, maybe he can come over the long weekend at Labor Day. We'll see...

Well, better close for now. 

Happy Stitching,
Chris in PA
I found this picture on the computer tonight... and I am so glad that it is now Spring! That means, with all the blossoms and flowers coming out, the little bees are busy working on gathering nectar, to make more honey for me!!! The guy we buy our fresh honey from, can't believe how much honey I use! I have about 5 cups of tea a day, almost everyday! It adds up.  But, I really love my hot Lipton [decaf] tea with honey! 

I know the above is a little about nothing... but, I wanted to be a little quirky tonight!! LOL ... 

Chris in PA

I know my blog postings have been few & far between, but, I have been busy with everything!!! The house, church functions & church business, packing and many other things. 

Yes, I did mention packing. My husband is being appointed to a new church district. We will have 2 churches, as compared to the 4 we have had for the past 8 years. The Parsonage is a ranch style, where we have had a 2-story, and we will have a 2-car garage!! YEAH!!! I am looking forward to that. But, I am really looking forward to the new sewing 'studio' I will have!! It is 'SWEET'!!! Though, we love & will miss the friends we have made over the past 8 years at this charge, God has new plans for us. We are excited about the new challenges that will be in our new future, and for all the new friends we will make. And, the parishioners we currently have, have spoiled us tremendously on all the upgrades and changes they have done to our current parsonage. We are grateful for everything. I will miss this house, the neighborhood, and our church family.

Not real happy about moving away from our grandson & our kids... but, we will only be about 2 hours away... that is not that bad. And, we need to be grateful because it could have been worse! 

We have picked the paint for the new parsonage... and I guess we get to pick new carpeting for my sewing studio. We will be making a day trip soon to take care of that business. 

Sewing has come basically to a halt in all the changes going on. I do want to get the curtains finished for my daughter & my niece. And, I think I will have a quilt to make for a friend. Hopefully, I can postpone that till after the move. I really don't have the time right now. We'll see. 

Knitting is much easier to do right now. I have made several of those ruffly scarves. I'll post a picture of my friend of whom I gave one too. They are extremely easy and beautiful. I made 3 for the church Bazaar... selling 2 of them. Another church lady made a couple of them, too. I think one of hers sold. I guess this is not the time of year to be thinking of scarves! I know I am thinking of warm weather & sunshine!!! I am also making dishcloths... those I could probably make in my sleep! But, they are fun and they make wonderful little gifts for friends. 

OK... bedtime for now. Goodnight ALL!! God's blessings to everyone!

Happy Quilting!!
Chris in PA
This is my friend, modeling her new scarf I made for her. Doesn't she look absolutely gorgeous in blue??