Snow in October!! When I had posted on my Facebook that I had seen my first snowfall of 2012, everyone went a little crazy! Actually, they thought I was a little crazy! LOL... Especially since it was in the mid-50's here. Today, I  was Skyping with my brother  who lives in Colorado and they were having the snow... he held his webcam up to the window so I could see it, so, yes technically, I saw snow falling today! I love the snow and it did make me happy to see it. And, a little excited, too! I love the changes of seasons... so much beauty of God's Creation to behold. Each season, has something special about it.  

Sew many projects, so little time!! I am living that quote, these days! I am getting some projects done, which is a great thing, and some Christmas gifts made in the process. But, as I look around, I always find more projects to make!! Something always catches my eye, whether it be quilting, knitting, or now a wool project! I guess it's a good thing that I give things away... otherwise my house would be busting at the seams from them. I can only display so many things in my house, right? 

I went to a quilt shop yesterday, and I bought some Christmas fabrics, with the upcoming church bazaar in mind. So, now I need to get busy to make these items, find someone in the church to make them, or what would be fun, is to do them together! The third choice sounds like more fun. I'll have to approach them at Monday's Quilting Bee. The project I have in mind is to make Christmas Ornaments with Yo-Yo's. A very simple project to do, and Yo-Yo's are fun to make. At least I think they are. I have done them in the past, so I have 'samples' for the church/quilt ladies to see. I'll just have to dig them out of the Christmas totes before Monday!

Going to clo

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