That is... one of those nights that I can't sleep! Though, I am dead tired, my back won't let me get to sleep. It is going on 1 AM now. I think I'll go make a cup of tea and see if that helps me relax. I have checked my emails, and caught up on that. If Dennis wasn't upstairs sleeping, I could've went and did a little sewing. Though, being as tired as I am, that could've been dangerous for my fingers! YIKES! Oh well... I'll get to sleep eventually. Probably when I just fall over from exhaustion! I wonder what is on TV at this hour? I'll probably check that out, too.

Christmas is coming fast. I was doing good about 4 months ago, when I was actually buying a couple of gifts... but I have since come to a dead stop! A lady told me today at the store during a conversation, 'only 3 weeks till Christmas', and reality hit me just like (V-8) TV commercials when someone hits you on the forehead! I can't believe that Christmas is coming so fast! I had better get busy. I don't have a clue what to get Dennis. I don't even have any ideas on what he could get for me, either. Aren't we a pair this year?

Tomorrow (or should I say today), we are hosting the 'Christmas/Parsonage Open House. Dennis and I prepared all the food for it. But, my tree is still setting naked in the living room! Totes are allover, decorations are setting on the floor. I hope I'm ready by 2 PM!

Okay... tea time!

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