I sewed several hours yesterday, off & on, as my back needs breaks pretty often. But, I did make some head-way on the Tossed Nine Patch... I went ahead and cut more strips of fabric, sewed them together, cut them apart, and am in the midst if sewing them again... I really should have enough now for both of the quilts I am making for Mom & Pop. I know I wanted to get to the Row Quilt, but, all of the fabrics were out for both Nine Patches & I thought it would be futile to put it away only to get it out again another day, so I just went with it. This will be 2 less UFO's this way! The Row Quilt will still be here when I am finished!

I'll be off to Sunday School this morning, and then to church. After lunch, I think I'll be taking a break for a while on the heating pad, before I get back, or should I say, if I get back to the sewing room today. Maybe just a little later today. We'll see.

Well, it is time to hit the shower & get dressed. My ride will be here in about 45 minutes. I'll write again later.

Have a great day!

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