BRRRRRRRR... it is cold outside! But, it is January and that is what is expected in my neck of the woods. I don't dare complain, because I know that it is most likely colder somewhere else in the world. They might consider this a 'heat-wave'!!!

I am working on the Postcard Swap I have signed up for with my online group. I am also working on Gina's quilt top. I think I may have about a dozen or so (I need 35) completed... so, I am getting there. Cody was here on Friday evening & Saturday, and I do not go to my sewing room while he is here. I am too busy loving & playing with my boy! We had a great time, by the way! Can't wait until next Friday when we can do it again!

I think I will be going into the sewing room this week to do my yearly inventory... I see what UFO's I have, and list them on a tablet... Kits I have bought and list them as well... not to mention projects I want to do or have together (PIGs) on my things to do pile. I list these, too. Then, I'll pick something off the UFO list and get busy. I want to make my UFO list as short as possible this year... my sewing room is going to explode if I don't!!!

Well, time to get ready for church! Hope everyone has a great day!!!

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