Where has the time gone... and the more important question is... "where was I that I missed it"? Though, to recap everyone from my last posting... we had a wonderful vacation... staying with friends in New York... then, I came home and got that nasty head cold that is going around and was down for about 2 weeks... I have been busy with my Pop and my mom-in-law with doctors & dentist appointments... no real time for me to hide & just do for me, which includes... NO TIME FOR SEWING/QUILTING!! UGH!!! Cody wants to be a black lab for Halloween... just like his pet, Moses... so, Mimi is making him a costume and it is partly together. So, I guess I am doing a little bit of sewing... but, I'd like to be doing a lot more! But, on a more positive note, I did join an exercise class which meets twice a week, and I am enjoying that time to myself... and I have joined a Disciple Bible study group, which I also am enjoying and it is good to expand the mind! This last weekend, I stayed with our grandson while his mommy & daddy had a date weekend away. We had a great time. Cody loves to play games... board games and card games. I recently taught him how to play Uno... and he loves slapping down those Wild, Draw Four cards on me!! He also likes to play baseball, though we use a plastic wiffle ball & bat. I pitch... he bats & does the running! My back likes it better that way... no running for me!

Well... better close for now. I'll try to do better with keeping current with my blog...


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