I love the snow... but, for those of you who have to travel in it... I'm praying for you!

We did have doctors appts. this morning... but, the office called and rescheduled them... I don't know why, but, I hope our doctor is OK!

So, I think I'll go & do some sewing this morning... we will be going to get Cody later... but, I have some time now to make some more string blocks for Gina & Kirk's quilt. I need 35 blocks... I was hoping to do like 5 or 6 per day... but, the last 2 days, I haven't been able to get to the sewing room, so... that plan went down the tubes real fast! But, I have a bunch of blocks in process... so, I can finish them up maybe by noon... then, I'll be back on track. I will be knotting this quilt... with it being king-size... I am not sure I want to tackle that to machine quilt on my DSM... may be a bit too much to handle for a beginner in that area. Who knows... maybe I'll get brave  ;-}

I can't wait for Cody to come... I am sure he'll want outside to play in the snow! I'll go out with him to watch...

Better get to the s

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