Here we go! Technology is amazing! Just think, little me, creating my own website. Miracles never cease! Today, I will be canning apples. I will definitely 'enjoy the fruits of my labor' this winter with some yummy apple pies! Maybe later, after doing the apples, typing the church bulletin, and resting whenever necessary, I can get some time in my sewing room. The Quilt Guild I belong to is in the midst of making Charity Quilts for some local organizations, which includes the local Cancer Center. From what I am told by the nurses who work there, the patients really love the quilts. They carry them to and from their treatments, making the quilts a kind of security blanket for them.  Not to mention, keeping them warm, too. It gives a great feeling, knowing that I or we can help out in some way. Well, those apples will not can themselves, so I must get off of here and get busy. As John Wayne said, "We're burning daylight!"

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