This project has been a long time coming, but, I am actually getting excited that we are nearing the end! I will be happy to get this part of the house back in order again!

Then, there is the sewing room. Dennis did make that cabinet and it is in the sewing room being very used! I  LOVE IT! No, I haven't taken pictures yet, I really should now because I have thrown out a lot of things that were in the sewing room, into the upstairs hallway. So, you can actually see the cabinet, the floor, and I can actually stand in front of the shelf that holds all of my quilting books. Before, I had to basically climb over & step on the things that were piled in front of this particular shelf! I am really liking my cleaned-out sewing room. It is much more pleasant to be in there now. I am sorting through the items in the upstairs hallway... making a space for it in the sewing room... but, I am also making a box of things to mail to an online quilt friend that will make or use what I send for charity quilts. She is a whiz... so I know whatever I send her, WILL be put to good use! I have also sorted out some books and will be giving those away, too. It is nice to be doing some spring cleaning of sorts.

I am going to close for now. It has been a long day. I will try to get those pictures posted that I have been promising lately... where does the time go?? I still wonder... Where did I ever find time before to work a full-time job??? Lol

God's Bl
Chris in PA

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