In the past month, I have made 2 quilt tops as Christmas presents. The first is a queen size, 2 color (blue and cream) quilt. It is now at the machine quilters home. I should have it back by mid-December. That is plenty of time for me to get the binding on and get it delivered. The second one is a twin size, done it scrappy reds, tans/creams, and blues. This quilt will be sent to Afghanistan for a family member. In my rush to get it finished, I forgot to order the backing fabric... DAH!!! So, I did that this evening, and I am hoping that comes by the end of the week. That way, I can get this to another machine quilter in my area, (the first LAQ said she couldn't possibly get to this one before Christmas :-( ......) So, I needed to go with a second choice here. I am sure all will work out fine. I had also been busy with making several table runners for the church bazaar and a set of placemats. I am now working on curtains for my daughters kitchen... curtains that I have promised for a couple of years now!! I also have curtains that I have promised my niece, too. I am trying to get caught up on all of that! Then, I'll have my slate cleared of 'promises', and can get to work on my many UFO's in January. I have enough of those that will keep me busy for quite a while! But, I am hoping to clear out my UFO corner and not get bogged down with them like this again! That is a good thought, anyway. I am hoping I can stick with it through the coming years.

Well, I should get back to the Christmas decorations! I wish I could snap a finger and it would be done, but, here in real life, that is NEVER going to happen! LOL

Happy Stitching and till next time............

Chris in PA

PS.... Here are my quilt tops... the first will have the dark blue binding. The other one will have a red binding.

I am sad today... it has been a month since my Pop passed away. But, I am also happy because he is with our Lord and Savior... that gives me peace. 

I got into the sewing room today. I am working on Christmas presents... ones that I need to get to the long-arm quilter [LAQ] and get them back before Christmas, that is. I am under the gun. My initial plan was to have the 2 quilts ready for the LAQ by the end of October. With Pop getting sick and then passing away, that sort of threw me off the mark. So, I am working hard to get at least one of them done before Friday. That way, I can deliver to the LAQ, and work on the 2nd one while she is working on the first! I think that will work out the best and with less stress on everyone! I'll post pictures later... I have all the blocks done for the first quilt, and am sewing them into rows at present... 4 rows done... 5 to go! It will all come together... it always does. I seem to work a little better under pressure anyway. But, I also drive myself nuts, too! One day, maybe I'll find a happy medium!

Happy St