This month, as well as every other month the has preceded it, has went by extra fast for me. I remember as a kid, my parents telling me time goes by faster when you get older... does that mean I am getting older now?? I don't think I am older at all... my philosophy is that the kids are just catching up to me. But, with Easter, vacation, home projects, etc., this month has crept silently by me. 

The weather has been a bit on the nippy side... OK, I'll just say it has been downright COLD!! When the warmer weather returns, I'll be ready & waiting!!!

I have been enjoying the spring flowers and watching all the hard-working birds, gathering supplies for their nests. There were robins, building a nest on the neck of the downspout at the church... I was watching Mr. & Mrs. Robin's progress everyday. But, unfortunately, someone else (the maintenence guy probably), spotted it over the weekend and knocked it down. I am hoping there weren't any eggs in it yet.

Cody is coming this weekend... can't wait for that. I am sure he'll want to play Parcheesi again. I taught him that game last time he was here and he loved it. I figured it was  a good game because it involved counting, etc. He beat me, and that really made his day!!

I have been in the sewing room, making fabric postcards for my online group. I love these little things! And, since I cleaned out my sewing room, I am enjoying being in there much more than I did before! I can actually move from one area to another, without stepping on or over other items. And, I can walk right up to my book shelf to get whatever book I want. No reaching, no stretching... I am loving that!! I know I keep promising to post a picture of my new cabinet that Dennis made for me. I will take the camera upstairs with me tonight and snap that. Then, I'll post it tomorrow.

I am going to play in my sewing room all day tomorrow, or at least as much as I possibly can. Hopefully, I can finish a few projects that are in the end-stage.

Goodnight for now...

Chris in PA

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