Living where we do, there are a lot of fairs to attend with not much traveling time to get to them. We do not try to hit them all, but this year Dennis wanted to go to the Grange Fair. He had not been there since he was a teenager, and I have never been there. I must say it was nice, with lots of activity and food vendors. Of course, the first place we looked up was the Grange Building that displayed the quilts! It was nice to see the works of others. And, I bought 2 tickets for the raffle quilt! A beautiful queen sized applique... done with a dark burgundy accent color on white, along the line of a Baltimore Album. It would look very nice on my bed!! And, this particular quilt, I would not attempt by myself at this time, maybe later, but it was beautiful!

We also looked at the campers on display at the fair. There was a lot of them. Some were very nice and had a nice price tag to go with it! It would be nice to have a camper again someday in the not-so-far-off future... I do miss camping on a regular basis, and taking Cody would always be a great adventure! Besides, the kids could borrow it, too.  But, the campers of yester-year, sure has been upgraded!! WOW!! I wouldn't mind them at all!

I am hoping to get to the sewing room tomorrow. I want to get busy on something... anything, really... as I haven't had the time to do much this summer. I get a day here & there, but that has been too sporadic! I need a constant... with the garden being done and the weather getting cooler, I should be able to do more in the way of quilting... I am surely looking forward to that! I NEED to sew!!!

OK... bedtime here! Goodnight ALL!

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