This year, I entered 3 items in the county fair. I went yesterday to see how I did after the judging on Monday. I am pleased to announce that I received 2 First Place Ribbons, and a Third Place ribbon for my entries... YOOO HOOO!! They are pictured below, respectively.
I also want to post a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my darling daughter today. She is 'officially' 29! Wow, time flies! And... she has finally caught up to me! Imagine that! lol!

OK... off to the sewing room. I must get busy with my guild challenge! I'll post pics later!

Have a great day all!
Today, I spent a lot of time in the sewing room! It was a very productive day. I have my guild challenge top almost completely assembled. I have one more side to add a border to, then I'll be ready for the blanket stitching of the applique'. Then, on to hand-quilting. I was going to do a folky/primitive type running stitch in contrasting embroidery floss, but, I am not sure now if I will proceed with that. I'll have to ponder on it some more. I'm excited about this project because I designed the pattern myself! I'll post pictures tomorrow if I get a chance. With church in the morning and a church fellowship dinner following, then I'll be off to the local fair to enter my quilting projects for judging, and our guild is putting together a display booth, and then we go pick up our grandson & bring him home with us for a few days, my Sunday will be FULL! I am not sure I'll have the time, but, I'll do my best!

I also put up a shelf in my sewing room today. I have wanted that done since winter! It will help to get things up off the floor of my sewing room. I am so tired of stepping around and crawling over items. Now, if I can get DH to get my wooden cabinet built, I'll be in business. Now that he has graduated Seminary, now would be the perfect time to start nudging (nagging) him about that again! That will help a lot because I will be mounting my retangle sewing board on the top of that, and freeing up even more floor space. Oh, to be done would be great!

Well, off to bed I go.